WNF Mortal Kombat Tournament Vids (Finals This Wed)
Aris ON
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 1:16PM

Check out some of the vids of Socals first Mortal Kombat tournament. The finals will take place this week (I play ComboFiend in losers finals). Shout outs to Jaime for repping his Avoiding The Puddle T-shirt on stream.
Levelup's Youtube channel can be found HERE.
Reader Comments (22)
your smoke is pretty dope aris....
great combo aris, your regular combos were as damaging as regular x-rays, that was sick
Good job Aris, pulling 10's and 12's in real match situations, badassery!
You really seemed to get confused on why your jumpins got beaten by uppercuts all the time ;)
Me and a buddy were playing this today so its good to see that other people who care about winning's playstyles are looking simular to ours and that all the wierdness and cheapness IS just online mode being pants. gj being rip, he needs to *3 voices* LEVEL UP HIS GAME
Gotta say, the first matches from part 1 made the game look really, really boring, but by the end of part 1 the whole part 2 the games were very exciting and fast paced. Kinda surprised by the level of play this early in the life of the game. The commentary was also pretty bad until UltraDavid, Valle and James Chen came on. But yeah, I think I'll actually go and buy this game now, got me convinced.
In the first part of part one, I was playing on stick for the first time and i couldn't figure out where to put the Guard button. Eventually I found it. I'm playing MK on pad for the time being but I may switch in the future.
aris i want you to know this game looks boring as shit and you definitely arent as good as your fans tell you you are with those simple ass day 1 combos
insomnotek is still the king of hacienda and rip is definitely the king of wnf
and ultradavid james chen combo is the worst in commentary
I personally found MK on pad pretty easy since I've played Tekken and VF on pad all my life, and the buttons in MK are, as many time stated, quite similar to Tekken mixed in with sort of like VF's guard button. The game's inputs are also pretty easy, for example it doesn't even have real qcf's, but just d,f. For me, at least, the hardest part about playing with a pad is hitting the diagonals, so it's very nice to have such leniency. And the demo didn't have any DP moves, just d,f + button or d,b + button and b,f + button.
Troll detected: Jom
@Jom, You are a washed up loser and are only good at getting DUIs. The day they have cock sucking at Evo is the day you make top 8. Speaking of Evo, that shit is gonna be sick. Can't wait to see you lose all your money again. #Clippers.
where theres smoke there is Aris' Beard
clippers suck dick and yeah we'll see if i can get there in time to catch you lose your entire wad of cash and ask if you can pay for my dinner with credit card so i can pay you back in real money because you're a broke bitch and IIRC the golden years of tekken involved me stomping you in such sets as 5-0 in your room with chet shaking his head and 10-2 in your living room where i showed lambo just how easy it was to roll you like the big bearded bitch you are
and the year you make top 8 at tekken in evo is the year i make top 8 at tekken in evo
which means you and i are making it to the top
lets kick it and get some flamebroiler soon
ps charlie is still the king of hacienda and the miami heat is still better than the clippers and have many more legends than your clippers will ever have
pps tomhilfiger is an official member of the miami heat. jom/tomh/tietyt/insomnotek... talk about an all star lineup
trouble in paradise?
All-star lineup of has-beens, more like!
Jom or whoever you are u talk mad shit. You need to pipe down little dude bc im sure you are a newbie when it comes to playing Tekken. There is no need for you to be running your mouth bc you can't back up the shit you say. Actions speak louder than words don't make me F**k you up son! IMFAMOUSMINDED-NYC out
jom = worthless attention whore
you guys are idiots, aris and i stay together every evo and have done so for the past 7 years
hes a good friend of mine in real life
dont talk shit for a person you have never met to another person you have never met...it makes you look like a complete moron