Hilarious And Accurate Review Of The MK Guide
Aris ON
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 11:32AM

This is a great review of the shitty Prima Mortal Kombat guide. I unfortunately bought this pile of shit myself. I think I may do what he did at the end of this review. Almost makes the guide worth buying.
My favorite quote..."This guide has no frame data! This guide is subject to updates! SUBJECT TO UPDATES! Get Fucked"
Check out his Youtube channel HERE.
Reader Comments (15)
did you get my email about this? i sent it to your atp email.
Nah man I got the email about SFxT though.
I think the guide sort of had a point in it's logic to not put up frame data and damage because NRS can fuck it up with it's sneaky updates at any time. Then again I agree at the same time that they could've just put it up nevertheless but have some sort of disclaimer that information is subject to change as the game is patched. To think ahead or just stay at the present, tough call.
Love Aris :)
I sent you an email, as well. And yes, this guide is full of crap lol.
when it comes to guide book, brady guide is 100 times better than this garbage
Kaba's. pg 38. dl-37
Prima guides must be the sponsors of WCG commentating
LOL.. This is awesome.
Which retarded idiot makes these useless guides, year after year??? I have bought for other games and they are totally useless!!!! If you google a subject and read for 10 minutes you'll get more useful info than in Prima Guides.
Like someone else said, buy Brady Guides. Tom Brady plays MK himself and is a true master of this game. He knows the deep stuff that is useful. He is mainly active at MortalKombatUnited.com and his combosection is huge!
I mean, what retard makes a tier list before the game is even out??
Oh man, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!! This man is a genius!! Somebody give him a medal or something!!!!
I was laughing my ass off at work while watching this guy go in hard on this shitty ass guide.
Actually, I bought this "guide" as a collectors item and for the novelty (Kollectors Ed. $19.99 Amazon presale). I didn't expect to get anything more than the pretty pictures and reading material when i take a dump. Why?? In the history of guides, i never got to see a good one. Except for a few tidbits of information (ooh secrets!) and history about the game that is all there is. If you are looking for an encyclopedia on getting good at a fighting game, hit the internetz and practice mode, Duh! LOL to the dude in the vid burning his $ away, dumbass! LOL
Aris, you should know better...Now you can read in the bathroom too!
....could've just returned it...
I'm just saying...
Yeah, he could have just returned it, but then we wouldnt have this video