Mortal Kombat: Desperately Needed UI Changes
Aris ON
Monday, April 25, 2011 at 12:08PM

WorstGiefEVER has put up a great video discussing some of the user interface related changes that need to be made to Mortal Kombat 9 for it to be able to thrive as a competitive fighting game. I completely agree with these complaints, especially the comments on the record function in Practice Mode. I hope NRS is paying attention. Check out WorstGiefEVER's Youtube channel HERE.
Reader Comments (17)
aris i really like to see your gameplay please record some of your mk9 gameplay or combos just like you did with tekken thank you.
I agree with this too. \I like this game alot and want this game to thrive as a strong competitor as far as competition is concerned. fix what needs to be fixed,and balance the shit out.
If you guys haven't seen it yet, there's some footage from WNF that Level|Up just posted, and you can see Aris's moke in action there.
Heh, that was supposed to say Smoke, not moke. Oh, well.
There can not possibly be enough emphasis put on the importance of training mode if you want your fighting game to be taken seriously. I thought having button config was standard too, not preset bullcrap.
I don't know how basics like practice mode having a competent record function and button configuration keep becoming recurring issues in newer fighting games. If I was still a casual player, I could overlook these issues. As a competitive player, I can't, especially with a game that wanted to be taken seriously competitively and played at EVO.
Hopefully this stuff gets fix, but I highly doubt it. If they do, I will give this game another look.
And how come these developers aren't learning from previous games and improving on what they have done? This is why these basic issues keep reappearing.
I like this game a lot so far, some of the things mentioned are small annoyances that I'm not sure they are gonna put working man-power hours into to fix because we wan to save a few seconds of our time. But the record feature is a big deal. If there's anything to take away from this vid, its the record feature.
Oh and Ermac's force push needs to be patched as well, I've never seen a more broke move in a fighting game for God's sake. An instant projectile WALL that takes up 70% of the screen, can't be jumped and is only punishable at face-to-face range? Come on man.
Oh my god, I can't f#¤%ing believe the level of bitching this guy is doing in this video. It's like he just wanted to get something to make a video out of... really??? It's not good enough you jackass, that they have buttonconfig in a different menu than you like..???!!
Tell me which game has the buttonconfig like the way you described?? None!! That's right!! Don't make a video pretending you are the voice of everybody! You're not!!!!
And the recordfunction is there. Isn't that enough?? Tekken is a highly competitive fighter, it has NONE recording function..!! Man, some people can never be satisfied!!!
And you are complaining about that you need to press the button once more in the King of The Hill Mode?? Really??!! What are you, a retard??? If you actually play that mode, you're not exactly fighting competitevly in the first place, it's just a have-casual-fun mode where the whole point is to see what those avatars are doing. That's the main feature they put in and want everybody to focus on in that particular mode. Plus, you can never press any buttons in any game when the loading screen is up. It means that the gamedisc and the console is prosessing, you cannot do another inputs, that has nothing to do with this game... and is it that diificult for you to press a button once more just before the fight starts?? Jeeez!!!
And you're making a big deal out of that you cannot cancel out the xray animation?? It's a preset 'video' of a move, yopu can only do commands before it hits like you showed. They don't need to fix every little thing that bothers you, not me or none of my 50 friends who play this game minds any of these things, so just shut the fuck up!!
Man, I just hate those people who buy a videogame and play it and maybe are better than average and suddenly think that the game was made solely for them and that the company who made the game 'owe' them or their little community of couple of thousand people... 'hey man, we play your game, you owe is and must listen to us bitch about stuff we don't like...' What about those millions and millions of others who bought the game and are very happy with it as how it is??
Man, I can't believe people bitch about all the smallest f#¤%ing details they don't like.. making a video and all.. you, whoever you are, should be ashamed of yourself!! IDIOT!!!
While most of these issues are not major its the kind of things that help a game succeed as a competitive platform, something Midway claimed they WANTED this game to be. That’s a point you seem to ignore, there's no point in talking about how its fine for casuals on a hardcore fighting website. Just because you're fine with this shit doesn't mean we can't expect more.
You haven't seen the shit peeps had to go through getting buttons configured at the first Spooky MK tournament stream. Glitches, individual configs and all configs reset every time a controller is removed. Its useless and I can't think of a single modern fighting game that doesn't allow you to change your button config while in a match. The stickman idea was just a suggestion.
Record functions are necessary, Tekken 6 not having one was a massive thorn in its side and people complained so hard that Namco had to apologise and promise that it'd be in the next Tekken. It seems like midway didn't understand why a record function was important, this record function doesn't do anything, its equivalent to not having one at all. Same with the input display.
As for practice mode reset during x-rays, you clearly don't know jack fucking shit about programming or how games work.
Fuck off back to Gamespot. Troll.
Wow, sensitive much, Your Big Fat Ugly Mama?
Also why did you change your name from Jack Daniels to that? Because it didn't take your retardness away any bit.
@ Caucus - I totally agree. Said what I was thinking.
On a side note: I hope that when the PSN network is restored, Mortal Kombat online will be able to help us play better players. For Tekken is became a curse to movement, spacing, and the drywall of my bedroom.
How is MK's online anyway? Are they for real with that online pass systems? Because it sounded hella stupid.
@ Causus
You don't know a jack about this game. Midway??? They are broke, motherfucker!!! This is a Warner Bros game! Get your facts right you retarded loser!!!
@ loldong
How do you like it now, bitch?? You think you owe this name?? Idiot!!
well you are both stupid for airing out your grievances, that being said
The kid doing the video is a whiny fagot, but I will give him partial credit on the two semi-valid complaints he had.
You can use that name if you wish, I don't mind. I don't suppose you know what a plural is, do you?
Whoops I forgot, they changed the name to NetherRealm didn't they. Damn, I guess everything I said is invalid now...
With psn being down I don't have a clue about how online play is, but I haven't heard anything good. Other then you can make lobbies of up to 100 people and you can challenge anyone in a room to a fight. Also has a universal lobby chat so you can chat or even ask for specific match ups.