Site News: Mortal Kombat Guides
Aris ON
Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 12:44AM

I'm going to try to put some guides together for as many characters as I can. I've started things off with a Smoke guide. I'm trying very hard to learn the system of this game as well as character specifics so if you notice that I made a mistake, or you think something needs to be added, feel free to comment.
Reader Comments (14)
Good work, man!
Here is a small tip. In the legend section you could maybe add NJ for 'natural jump'. It means that you jump straight up. You'll see that it will be very useful later if you deside to have a combo section.
Jumping in MK has different property whether you jump straight up or diagonally upfront or up-backwords.
Jumping straight up and pressing 1 or 2 is a universal launcher. (NJ1_2)
Here is an example of a small Scorpion combo where that jump-launcher is used:
1,1~bb+1, NJ2, b+2, f+2,1,4
In MK community they usually don't like (or want) Tekken legend, they stick to their own retarded legend that is way more cumbersome and not intuitive at all. It doesn't tell you enough if you already don't know the moves. This is how they would write the same combo.
FP, FP~spear, NJ BP, b+BP, f+BP, FP, BK
Also, do Kung Lao next.
I think you mean neutral jump, not natural.
I do find I like tekken-style notation better for this game personally.
just use tekken notation and call NJ just 'u' for up
podcast time!!! no more school no more busy aris
Is the universally agreed notation for this game like in Tekken, as in punches are 1 and 2, and the kicks are 3 and 4?
Ah, never mind the above. For some weird reason I missed the last part of DrBhup's post. So that would be a no. Well, I guess the back x, forward x isn't so difficult, lest the abbrevations it gets confused with fierce punches and the like from other games.
Well, to add atleast something else to this post, It would seem Smoke is pretty powerful. All(?) of his strings are safe, he has a homing fireball that can't be ducked, which to me seems very important in MK, and an easily comboable X-Ray.
the best legends is the shortes.
1,1 reads way more shorter then
what a crap
@ aris man i love your page since the start
i was looking forward to this and here we go nice
aris whats up about a level up your game about mk?
i know you dont do it but you know rip good enough ^^
i like your first look into mk
will there be a deeper look movie coming too?
I can't wait till this gets going. my Urmac and Quan Chi are already fierce. Chicago will finally be known for some fight Even though ATL wish they were that good....(shot at Hoa
@ Warpticon
Yes, of course I meant 'neutral jump' and not 'natural jump'. Thanks man!
Damn, there should be an edit button.
So, who are you guys maining? Currently I'm showing Kung Lao some love, but my Jade is also a bit if a brawler.
I don't think this game is as hard as Tekken to learn. There just aren't that many moves pr character, meaning you could main half the cast easily! In Tekken the characters have 150 + moves and it takes half a year to fully understand one character.
I feel in MK9 it is a bit more straigt forward and the learning part is much more easy. It is the strategy part that is difficult, but that is where the fun of a game lies. Connecting combos will always take some practice but you really don't have that many options.
I'll probably try to learn at elast 10-15 characters so the match-ups will go easier. These are most interesting to me:
Kung Lao, Jade, Sonya, Sindel, Smoke, Noob, Nightwolf, Kitana, Scorpion, Kabal, Kano and Stryker.
Also Ed Boon has confirmeds he had an affair with Tekken 6, that's why MK9 is so great game -it's like 2D Tekken (with launchers being so useful). You can even see that Sindel has that kartwheel kick exactly like Lili. Those basterds just stole it, I guess Boon liked it so much. Sindel has never had that move before as I recall.
Anyway, I'm loving MK9 so far!
(Aris, you should try out Stryker -he is hilarious and reminds me kind of Dragunov.)
"Policebrutality coming up!" LOL
What I thought felt kind of weird from the MK demo was connecting strings after a jump punch into a combo. You had to sorta like dial out the whole string before the jump punch even connected, you couldn't do it Street Fighter style to wait and see if it actually hit.
I'm personally interested in Ermac and Kano, I still know jack about MK but I'm liking how they play.
lol natural jump
Is the universally agreed notation for this game like in Tekken, as in punches are 1 and 2, and the kicks are 3 and 4?
The MK community has been using Tekken style notation since MKDA.
aris check this out its about the psn shout down and hacking