Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - English AOU Trailer
Aris ON
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 3:35AM

Harada has put up the English version of the AOU trailer. Thanks to Neo Empire for putting it on Youtube.
Reader Comments (20)
"Tag in for a double-attack for an increased level of strategy WITHOUT SLOWING THE PACE OF THE FIGHT!" :]
I'm glad they are taking out slow tag!
Devil Kazuya, I think slow-mo was added after trailer. And since it's translation of original trailer, don't be so happy.
anyone else notice the quick shot of Aris in the trailer
I'm SO HYPE for this game.....and yes Aris is in the trailer. His pose was GDLK !
just something to note...
it no longer says "summer 2011".
might be something, might be nothing.
I recall Aris saying in the last podcast that without the slowmo tag mishimaster couldn't even do the tag combos. Great it's translated but it's not like most of us here in the US will even see it or the features it's bringing to the table. Somebody needs to figure out how to bring the arcades back to the US in a big way...
I saw Aking bind with his uf, 1+2. SICK
This isn't what they were supposed to show at Final Round is it?
OMFG! I can't stop fucking caming. That was the best trailer ever. I can't wait for this. I hope they take their time so they can release the game as balanced as possible.
By the way, Aris, what did you feel when you saw yourself in the trailer?
@Watafag, Honored, to say the least.
First off, damn dude, Aris was looking too hype in that trailer.
Secondly, respect to the voice-over dude for making some the most pallid and stodgy stuff sound exciting. Seriously, dude sounded like he wanted to cream hisself when he talked about the stages and their "enhanced interactive elements".
Oh, and respect for saying "Tek-ken" - every fucking time; sounded like a white guy doing a bad impersonation of a Japanese guy doing a bad impersonation of a white guy.
Maybe the guy who translated the script which the narrator read had the kanji tek and ken as separate, making tek ken. But that's just nitpicking anyway.
japanese doesn't work that way. that's actually how you say tekken in japanese.
it reads different in english, obviously, but any double consonant you see when japanese has been romanized is going to have that delay that is unnatural in english.
fuck aris. I'm in that trailer too and my pose fucks his up.
Nobody remembers chet.
I remember chet T_T
Wow a new Tekken game's trailer/add in English? The average Joe can understand what the heck they are saying and not become alienated? Epic.