Mortal Kombat: Kratos Gameplay Trailer
Aris ON
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 3:55PM

I'm not very interested in Kratos because he will be banned in tournaments for being console exclusive. However, I figured someone might be interested so check out the trailer below.
Reader Comments (8)
So Aris, for you everything has to be looked at only from a competetive perspective? Don't you play any fighting games just casually? Neither am I interested in Kratos but my reasoning is just how retarded he looks in the game, not whether he'll be used in tournament or not.
@Roncock, I play some fighting games casually but even then I ignore the characters and tactics that are banned. The way I see it, there is already tons of stuff to learn in any fighting game. This is how I reduce it to the minimum.
Indeed, too much good games to go around outside fighting games as well. No time for "the extra". I dont have any trouble with guest characters for fun, but they will always be "outside" the game for my part.
Kratos is rocking those basketball shorts.
They seemed to have put a lot of thought into kratos idea though, i will give them that. He has the weapons from God Of War plus a unique QTE move.
He will be over abused on PSN anyway.
Just like LAW.
Ohhh... harsh words lol
Kratos is a badass character for Sony.Cool trailer,but i'm still not interested in using him. If I give this game a shot I think i'll use Sub-Zero.
Kratos makes sense for this game. Then again, not much point in devoting time to him if he won't be allowed in big tournaments. Bring on Ermac!
Like it or hate it, I do think this will sell more copies of the game. It will go like this:
Dude #1: "Mortal Kombat? That game sucks."
Dude #2: "But Kratos from God of War is in it!"
Dude #1: "Wow that is totally awesome! Lets get it!"