Movement Tutorial for Tekken 6 and TTT2 Part 1: The Basics
Aris ON
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 11:34PM

In this video I cover the basics of movement in Tekken 6 which will apply directly to Tekken Teg Tournament 2. I will release another video covering advanced movement in the near future. Make sure you subscribe to our Youtube Channel and leave comments if you have any.
Reader Comments (33)
This was such a good video. I totally forgot or maybe even did not know about b,B and b,b,N for a correct defense. I thought you had to do b,b,db,B to block after a backdash.
This topic is very important and yet so little talked about. People usually are obsessed with frames and juggling and whatever even when movement is FAR more important skill to master.
I have previously stated what I think about Namco making movement so damn difficult in this game. I think this is the reason most people don't find Tekken rewarding after a while and never become better than a scrub. You can be good in juggling and punishing and whatever but after you reach a certain level, becoming better after that is such a chore!
Practicing these retarded, small, boring (but oh so important) movements for months just to become marginally better is not rewarding or fun for most people. That's why people are put off by Tekken.
I have been a stick player all this time because it's so fun to play on stick, but now I'm moving away from stick to pad. And that's only because movement is so mush easier on pad. I was never able to do KBD on a stick even I practiced for a whole year and read everything about it and watched every damn youtube video there was. Only after a month on pad I'm actually doing it somewhat. That's progress!
( I know people say it's easier on stick, but not for me. The range of the thumbmovement is far shorter on a pad and it is much easier to do correct inputs faster. I was never able to move my thumd/ hand on a stick quickly like that.)
Any-hoo.. my point is; great video on a very important topic. Movement is the most important skill to master in order to become decent in Tekken. Namco made a huge mistake by making movement this difficult and that's why Tekken fails to reach the masses at a higher level. BAM!!
Also, my point will be proven even more, I'm sure, when you're going to talk about advanced movement.
(So retarded choices, Namco, so retarded... tsk tsk tsk! Making so important thing like movement so difficult and thus making these arbitrary boundries for people to overcome in order to enjoy the game at a higher level. Bad Namco, BAD!!!)
Applies to Tag2 as well? Didn't they fix the movement to be more like in DR, or was that just bullshit?
Really good tutorial. Much better than Level Up Your Game's.
DrBhup, what about match-ups and mastering characters? Tekken was always complicated and it has its audience, does it need to change? People who want simplicity have other fightings to play.
Should also include footage of you actually performing the actions on the stick (and pad too, maybe) so people can grasp the concept better/faster. Otherwise good shit. Clear and to the point.
Great video Aris! Movement is really such an important part of Tekken that sadly most players overlook. I've been playing since Tekken 2 and up to now I still hardly ever sidestep moves. I only recently started utilizing backdash cancelling into my gameplay and it really puts me in better control of a match (even though I don't count frames lol)
Looking forward to the advanced movement video and I hope you cover more topics such as basic/advanced defense, parrying, binding and wall carry combos.
Keep up the good work!
Awesome video Aris and I agree with Aris and DrBhup when you say movement is most important in tekken but rarely ever discussed so alot of props to you Aris for doing this I also like how you have explained when to use side step vs side walk and the sort of ways you can use it, great job...
@DrBhup I disagree when you say there is no satisfaction after months/years (however long) of learning KBD, it took me ages to learn KBD close to 3 months and it was one of the most rewarding feelings ever,not very much people can do KBD so once you have mastered the movement, its like your on a level higher than other players...
@InfamousMinded(you know I have to give you a shoutout) Now this is what you call an entertaining video, not Bogus journeys. it is both educational and entertaining as Aris points out one of the most important aspects of tekken imo. This is also a video that brings entire tekken community together, both offline/arcade and online players stand to gain from this sort of video, dosent do anything to discourage scrubs but rather challenges them to become better players. so if you like continue watching a pointless unentertaining Bogus journeys. if I were you I'd join the band wagon and get LUYG to stop those shitty bogus videos and continue doing what we originally loved them for which was the character brake downs. I'm sure even you would like to see that
Great video, my movement has always been one of my bigger weaknesses, so it's great to see people trying to help, thanks! I can't wait for the advanced movement tutorial!
Plz update TTT2...
Wow that's my problem. I've been trying to learn how to back dash and I always seem to get hit. Thanks for the tip now i need to hold back. Also thanks for the side walk tip. Keep producing these great videos, I'm one of those online players, that only has online because I live in a small town. I agree with you about the arcade scene I don't want that to die. I had a guy spend $10 in quarters trying to beat me in street fighter 2. I was 10yrs old at the time and that was a great feeling. Beating someone face to face is so much better than some one in cyberspace. Also face to face you can trash talk, and tell them why they suck, also you don't get spammer email because they lost.
Really good tutorial video Aris! Most tutorials on movement just teach players how to do it but don't teach the little details about why and how it's used. Movement is really important for tekken players who want to go to the next level.
Thanks aris this was a good refresher.
Causeless Rebel........I don't need any shoutouts from you. What is your obsession with me?......secondly I dont jump on bandwagons.It's important to be a leader and not a follower. That's my advice to you.Also you hate Bogus Journeys bc it is entertaining and shows you how online is a totally different game. Tekken is meant for the Arcade.The bs that happends online and the netcode is just horribe. Thats unfortunate but it is what it is. That should make you Causless Rebel want to play offline.Trust me I'm all for tutorials and this community coming together as one. But when you mention my name constantly and say comments like"Who cares Soul Calibur is for retards" I have a personal problem with you.I don't like you,and I don't respect you. Anyways great tutorial Aris, as usual. Causeless Rebel make sure you listen to Aris's podcast again....clearly you werent listening.
AKA Heckler3000 previously. Same guy, less heckling...
Great video Aris, I will tell my non-Tekken playing friends to watch these vids. Better opponents means better competition. Better competition means better community, right?
IMO, movement should be the main focus as a beginner (especially using a joystick). It is the easier to avoid getting hit and punish, than to try to cram and memorize combos. That way as you progress as a player, the advanced movement techniques will "feel" much easier to do. Obviously practice is key, as you need to teach yourself the "muscle/memory" connection of each input (correct me if i used the term correctly here but you guys should get the jist...).
*Sigh* Didn't we all agree that T6 online is BOGUS (hence the name). It is clearly there for entertainment purposes only, and should be taken with a grain of salt (no pun intended).
one thing i've found kind of annoying in modern(?) tekkens is that dashing from a long range puts you into a running state. i think the charactesr should just dash forward with ff no matter the range, and only fff puts you running.
great job aris
@Infamous you dont need to worry about not liking and respecting me cos the feeling is mutual, this thing you call obsession only started becos you couldnt mind your damn business, you got into conversation that did not involve you so ur facing the consequences. I could care less about soul calibur its a rubbish game. But tekken on the other hand is the best game of all time. If you think bogus journeys is entertaining then I wonder what you do with your spare time. and please dont kid yourself about being a leader, the only leader you are is the leader of the LUYG bandwagon, afterall that's what started this whole obsession. You will thank me in the future cause i'm teaching you a simple life lesson: MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS
Nice video.