Avoiding the Puddle Episode #15 featuring ldMaxi
Aris ON
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 5:04PM

In this episode we welcome our guest ldMaxi and discuss many aspects of the Korean Tekken scene as well as his contribution to the Tekken scene world wide. Before that, MYK and I discuss how age and reflexes relate to success for competitive players plus much more.
If you have any suggestions for future guests or anything related to the podcast feel free to leave a comment or contact me at
MP3 - 01:22:44 - 77.5 MB
Reader Comments (43)
WTF Rip is almost 30!?
yes new episode
I was stationed in Korea in '04 in Uijongbu, while I was in the Army. I made some really good friends in Korea from the KATUSA program. Korean male citizens have to serve in the R.O.K. (Republic of Korea) Army or the KATUSA program which is basically only available to some Korea males that test well in English. Unfortunately I have lost contact with them over the years. You would be surprised how well Korea nationals understand or speak English. My experiences differ from ldMaxi but I would have to agree that I have met many Koreans that are VERY friendly. It was mostly the females that were not friendly. LOL! Should've asked ldMaxi about "JuicyGirls". You should go Aris when you have the time and the means. Great unexpected episode Aris. Your podcast is indeed my favorite! Peace \/[][]
AVP is the hottest shit on the web. Fellow Tekkeners REJOICE!!!!!! Nice interview!
rip almost 30? damn he looks like a 20 year old kid . lol hurhrur derp
Was surprised to hear that Korea has a stigma over competitive video games, despite Starcraft's popularity. Saddens my heart a bit, as I thought that Korea was the one place on Earth where gaming has some dignity. Oh well.
Great podcast, good interview. Covered a guy important to the community that almost no one knows anything about. Glad I had a chance to learn.
Curious to see where the youtube broadcasting goes from here. This year really has been the year of the commentator. Screw win percentage. If there was a Time's tekken player of the year, it'd be Rip or Filthy for mainstreaming commentary for matches. Certainly it's an evolving world of Tekken.
It was also a neat segment on age and skill, as well as what counts as experience. Like what was said, I don't think the advantage of being a younger player is the reaction time, as it is more about the time available. But it is totally possible to be outclassed in movement, punishment, and still beat someone with experience alone.
This podcast was too good. Just too good. DUK2000 was a pretty big figure back then, bringing news and vids from Korea. I appreciate Maxi's efforts, I even remember the TekkenFTP project with Kungen, him, etc. that was great as well. Got a lot of vids and memories from that.
Why is the pictures so hilarious? LOL
Y'all fatties didn't even call me out for bein' a bitch...bitches.
And yea Bronson's a bitch alright sounds like a dying hyena dude must sound like a pregnant elephant if he's as fat as Aris.
-The Real Talk
damnit that's it, i'm moving to korea!!! this was a great interview. it's nice to know more about maxi. he talks about korea with so much passion. it's awesome. keep the great interviews coming aris!
Great podcast, I love the talks about age and reflexes, being 27 myself. I thought you guys hit hard on the depth vs. fun factor with 2d games, I think the bare-bones approach with Tekken allows it to be the most balanced possible.. I imagine it's hard to balance a game with Hypers and ultras that all have different speeds and priorities.Plus, for me personally, Tekken with it's depth and huge movesets, allows for much more replay value. I also heard your concerns for what they may do with Yoshi in TTT2, does that mean you're afraid they will change him and screw things up worse for him, or do you think they will just leave him the way he is and that's what you're worried about?
I think the person who is charge of Green Arcade also charge of lever in Tekken Crash. Green Arcade for sure one of the place I want to go.
For the people who does not know gas station in Korea is not self-serve. People stand there to gas your it takes a lot of stamina
I have to say when Knee,TongbalLove,Holeman interview. There was a episode that Knee(I think) saw one girl coming up to him with a coffee or something to drink(I think the drink was korean drink called 2%) and talked to Knee "Can u hand these to Holemen" and Holemen shard with knee and tongbal X)
based on the story I heard, holemmen has most female fan base.(Its all about height?)
finally a great interview, i even got bored from the harada interview
First: Great podcast.
Second: Full Throttle is awesome.
Third: Maxi's prepared Bronson-is-a-bitch-speech needs to be published. If possible I would like a dramatic reading by Aris or even Bronson himself.
Great shit as always, this interview was really interesting but I did get the feeling he wasn't able to convey some of his idea's very well, and it came off a bit vague. I actually had way more questions about the korean scene afterwards.
About the reflex thing, I think for the most part you guys are right and it's a big load of crap that your reflexes fade over time to the point where you cannot play competitive fighting games anymore. Now to some extent reflex loss is going to be true.but come on, this would be when you are like an old man with fucking parkinsons or something.... I believe ulterior factors like the responsibilities of middleage desire and lack of time to spend training being more of a factor.
Now, can anyone tell me what the band was for this episode? I don't think I recognize them and I really dig that style of metal.
aris this is gameplay of evil ryu and oni akuma but the quality is shitty
If tag throws are the answer to Ultras, isn't that just a temporary solution? What does that add to the core experience in terms of long term flash?