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Paul TTT2 Frame Data

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command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 8 10 +1 +8 +8
2 14 10 0 +6 +6
3 19 15 -7 +4 +4
4 20 12 -4 +7 KD


command damage raised guard hits Counter
b+1 16 12 -9 +2 +2
b+2 28 22 -7 KD KD
b+3 19 14 -9? KD KD
b+4 18? 21 -13 +1 +1


command damage raised guard hits Counter
f+1 8 10 +1 +8 +8
f+2 14 12 0 +6 +6
f+3 36 16 -16 KD KD
f+4 20 12 -4 +7 KD

Step In

command damage raised guard hits Counter
ff+1 8 11 +1 +8 +8
ff+2 16 16 -18 -7 -7
ff+3 20 16 -17 KD KD
ff+4 19 28 -2 ~ +2 KD KD

middle crouch

command damage raised guard hits Counter
db+1 6 10 CR -5 +6 +6
d+1 19 14 -9 +2 +6? CR
db+2 21 16 -6 +5 KD
d+2 9 11 CR -4 +7 +7
db+3 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
d+3 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
db+4 8 12 CR -13 -2 -2
d+4 18 15 -33 KD KD
d+4 12 15 -33 -17 KD

in the squat

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 in a crouch 6 10 CR -5 +6 +6
db_d+2 FC 9 11 CR -4 +7 +7
3 crouching in 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
4 in the squat 12 12 CR -15 -4 -4

a rising middle

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 Stan,ding in the middle 14 10 ~ 11 -4 ~ -3 +7 ~ +8 +7 ~ +8
2 stan,ding in the middle 24 16 -14 KD KD
3 stan,ding in the middle   13 - + +
4 stan,ding in the middle 21 11 -6 +5 +5


command damage raised guard hits Counter
df+1 15 14 -2 +4 +4
df+2 15 15 -7 KD _ +4 KD
df+3 16 16 -9 +2 +2
df+4 28 19 -1 +9 KD


command damage raised guard hits Counter
ub_u_uf+1 14 18 -8 +3 +3
ub_u+2 20 15 -12 +9 +9
uf+2 42 39 +8 KD KD
ub+3 14 15 -17 KD KD
u+3 15 15 -17 KD KD
uf+3 16 15 -17 KD KD
ub+4 13 15 -19 -8 KD
u+4 18 15 -12 KD KD
uf+4 15 15 -12 KD KD

lateral movement

command damage raised guard hits Counter
1 in the next move 27 30 +8 KD KD
2 in the next move 14 11 0 +6 +6
3 while next move 21 29 -13 +3 +11
4 in the next move 20 13 -4 +7 KD
1+2 during lateral movement 8 11 +1 +8 +8
3+4 during h_izontal movement 19 16 -7 +4 +4

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command damage raised guard Hit CH
1 8 10 +1 +8 +8
1, 2 8,14   -1 +7 +7
1, 4 8,9 CR -11 +1 +1
2 14 10 0 +6 +6
2, 3 14,25   -12 KD KD
2, d+3 14,13 CR -12 -1 -1
3 19 15 -7 +4 +4
3, 2 19,20   -3 +7 KD
f+2 14 12 0 +6 +6
f+2, 3 14,19   -11 +5 +5
f+2, 3, 1 14,19,26   -12 + CR M +20?
f+1+2 26 20 +1 +8 CR KD
f+1+4 31 21 -14 KD KD
df+1 15 14 -2 +4 +4
df+1, 1 15,10   -5 +2 +2
df+1, 1, 2 15,10,26   -9 KD KD
df+1, b 15 14 +1 +7 +7
df+3 16 16 -9 +2 +2
df+3, 4 16,20   -13 ~ -12 +3 ~ +4 DOS +
df+3, 4h 16,   -9 ?
df+4 28 19 -1 +9 KD
d+1 19 14 -9 +2 +6? CR
d+1, d 19 14 CR -9 +2 +2 CR
d+1, 2 19,31   -17 KD KD
d+1, 2 19,46   +20 NG KD KD
d+1, 4 19,18   -31 -17 KD
d+1, 4, 2 19,18,25   -14 KD KD
d+4 18 15 -33 KD KD
d+4 12 15 -33 -17 KD
d+4, 2 12,25   -28 KD KD
d+4, 2j 12,25   -18 -9  
d+4, 2j, 1+2j 12,25,24,(28)   -17 KD KD
d+1+2 36 12 -16 KD KD
db+2 21 16 -6 +5 KD
db+3 14 16 CR -17 -3 -3
b+1 16 12 -9 +2 +2
b+1, 2 16,24   -12 ~ -11 +2 CR ~ +3? CR +2 CR ~ +3? CR
b+2 28 22 -7 KD KD
b+3 19 14 ~ 15 -9? KD KD
b+4 18? 21 -13 +1 +1
b+1+2 42 24 +3 KD KD
uf+2 42 39 +8 KD KD
ub+3 14 15 -17 KD KD
u+3 15 15 -17 KD KD
uf+3 16 15 -17 KD KD
ub_u_uf+3, 4 16,24   -13 KD KD
ff+2 16 16 -18 -7 -7
ff+2, 1 16,24   -12 KD KD
ff+2, 1, b 16   -23 -12 -12
ff+2, 2 16,25   -19 KD KD
ff+2, 2, b 16 CR -30 -16 -16
ff+2, 1js 16,28   -4 KD KD
ff+3 20 16 -17 KD KD
ff+3, 4 20,18   -16? KD KD
ff+3, 4, 4 20,18,30   -5 KD KD
ff+3, 4, f_df+4 20,18,21   -14 KD KD
ff+3, 4, d_db+4 120,18,18 CR -17 -6 -6
ff+4 19 28 -2 ~ +2 KD KD
bb+1+2 90 63 KD KD KD
bf+1 36 33 -12 KD KD
2 stan,ding in the middle 24 16 -14 KD KD
3 stan,ding in the middle   13 - + +
3 stan,ding in the middle, 2 ,   -9? KD KD
df+2 FC 19 16 -17 -6 -6
df+2 while crouching, 1 19,30   -17 KD KD
df+2 while crouching, 2 19,25   -19 KD KD
df+2 while crouching, 2, b 19 CR -26 - 14 -14
df+1+2 FC 24 32 -12 CR KD KD
d ~ (f+0F)          
d (f+0F), u+2+3+4 57 116 KD - KD KD
d (f+0F), u+2+3+4 57 117 KD ? - - CR -CR
1 in the next move 27 30 +8 KD KD
3 while next move 21 29 -13 +2 +11
d+2 opponent is down, 21 18 -12 -1 -1

& aname collaboration collapse fist step (step)

command damage raised guard Hit CH
qcf+1 25 19 -7 YKKD YKKD
qcf+2 57 15 -17? KD KD
qcf+2 38 15 -17 KD KD
qcf+1+2 24 32 -12 KD KD
qcf+3 18 19 -20 +1 KD
qcf+3+4 36   -9 KD KD

& aname cooperation from the Floating Weeds (uki)

command damage raised guard Hit CH
qcb+1 28 18 -9 KD KD
qcb+2 25,(37) 17 -8 KD KD
qcb+3 16 20 -21 -10 KD
qcb+3, 2 16,24   -10 +6 +6
qcb+3, 2, 1 16,24,30   -10 KD KD
qcb+3, 2, 3 16,24,18   -13 0 0
qcb+4   15 ? +3 KD KD 12? T
qcb+1+2     -14? KD KD

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