Team Spiritzero Interview with Echo Fox's JDCR & Saint

Last month, Team Spiritzero got the chance to sit down with Echo Fox's Tekken players JDCR and Saint for a really long interview detailling many topics. Since it was Korean interview though, most people may have missed out on tuning in and listening to what JDCR and Saint had to say but thanks to Genericremix on reddit, he tooks the time to translate and transcribe the entire interview into an online document you can read. This is really extensive work with the interview time going over 3 hours so major thanks goes out to that guy for the great job. Added below here is a small snippet about JDCR's Tekken character choices and the twitch archive but feel free to read the entire interview over here:
JDCR/Saint Interview Document ≫
Genericremix's r/kappa thread ≫