Tekken Talk Episode 2 with special guests Katsuhiro Harada and Michael Murray from the Tekken team is now up on YouTube. Lots of interesting topics discussed such as the PC version of Tekken 7, Tekken X Street Fighter, Tekken Ball, post launch support, console/PC cross play and a bunch more. I'm going to throw this out there and say I'm all for post launch support for Tekken as it keeps things fresh and exciting and makes people come back for new content. Whether it is small things like new costumes & customizations or maybe something big like a game expansion that adds more Street Fighter characters turning it into Tekken X Street Fighter. (Don't go wild with that idea please internet, I'm not saying they're going to do that haha.) And of course, hearing that Harada himself is a big PC gamer and that all features that you can come to expect from a standard PC game are to be expected is very reassuring news for the PC version in comparison to certain other games with poor quality PC ports in recent times. This is getting quite lengthy so I'll stop here but you can catch the whole interview over on Bandai Namco's Fight channel:
Bandai Namco Official Fight Channel ≫ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKHx_yf3dI2ajWAjXRJ_9Rw
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