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Entries in subtitles (2)


Knee on his Tekken History: 'For me, this game is my life'

This interview with Knee was put up almost a week ago, but it wasn't until recently that it got English captioning supplemented onto it. So without further adieu, here is Inven's interview with ROX Dragon's Knee. It's quite a lengthy session that goes far back to his arcade beginnings with the Tekken series, to his adult life, where he was studying and conscripted into the Korean military service. Maybe some out there can personally relate to Knee's experience in growing up with the Tekken series, in which case, Knee offers his perspective on committing to Tekken instead of a more 'normal' life. Get familiar with not only a Tekken playing machine, but a man who 'made it'. Oh and don't forget to turn the English subtitles on:

ROX GAMING Youtube ≫

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T7 Online Rank Matches - Knee (Lars) VS Narakhof (King, Claudio) with English Subs

I'm loving this recent trend of people submitting English subtitles for Tekken videos from Korea. Knee's recent online rank matches with Narakhof in Tekken 7 got uploaded but they have English subtitles now so you can understand what they're shit talking about during the matches. Narakhof is all memes and the only time you''ll ever beat Knee is when he lets you. You can turn on the English subs by checking the option for it in the video with the 'CC' button on the bottom right. Check out the matches over on Knee's YouTube page:

Knee's channel ≫

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