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Frame Data Display is the premium feature in Tekken 7 Season Pass 3

This is quite an awkward proposition considering we've been advocates for the freely available Tekken Bot Prime program since the launch of the console/PC Tekken 7. As announced on stage at Tokyo Tekken Masters, the upcoming feature in the end slate roadmap was none other than a frame data viewer in practice mode. The Tekken team in the past were very vocal about not including frame data within the Tekken games despite other games in the same genre making it freely available so it seems that a change in philosophy has taken place. The implementation of frame data in Tekken 7 seems relatively basic also and currently omits other key information like input timings, in-between strings data, hit confirms, hit/hurt spheres and data on whiff so Tekken Bot Prime is still the king resource to have. All in all, this is a very strange and somewhat disappointing announcement for the premium DLC feature. Tekken 7 DLC#13: Frame Data Display currently does not have a price announced for now but the $3~$4 figure was tentatively mentioned for the time being.

Tokyo Tekken Masters VOD ≫

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