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Harada wants to know if you still really want Tekken X Street Fighter

With the announcement of the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 for Holiday 2020, we're nearing the time for the next generation of gaming consoles. The Tekken X Street Fighter project—which was announced back in 2010—is currently looking like it's skipping two entire console generation since the initial announcement. Harada explains that with both Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V currently out with active communities, the opportunity to release Tekken X Street Fighter was made a lot more difficult resulting it its lengthy 'on hold' development status. Given how long we've known about the project, it's kinda slipped from the general gaming public's mind as Tekken 7 has released instead and taken the spotlight when it included Akuma as a guest character. So Harada wants to know, after all this time, is Tekken X Street Fighter still a game you're waiting for? You can vote in the poll he posted on his twitter page right now:

Tekken X Street Fighter Twitter Poll ≫

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