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Entries in mod (13)


Tekken 7 PC - TekkenBot Frame Data Overlay

Oh here we go, a working frame data overlay for Tekken 7 PC! Dubbed the 'TekkenBot Frame Data Overlay', this standalone program will locate the running Tekken 7 game and overlay very helpful frame data info while you play for your character and the opponent. It includes frame advantage, hit type, startup, and the number of active frames for the last performed move so this will really help you out in getting up to speed with a lot moves players may be abusing against you. The overlay is a transparent window so it currently only works in windowed or borderless windowed mode so be sure to set that up before using it. Added below this post is a video of the overlay that Roguelike made and it goes into more details about it so be sure to check it out. The frame data overlay is very early in development so be sure to note that there might be some errors or bugs. Big thanks goes to Rogue2dlike for releasing the frame data overlay, you can download it for yourself over on hit GitHub!

TekkenBot Frame Data Overlay Download Link ≫

Reddit Thread ≫

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PC Tekken 7 Input Frame Count Display Mod

Timing specific move inputs or combos can be difficult but here's a handy new mod for the PC version of Tekken 7 to help out. Altimor recently released his Input Frame Count Display Mod on Github which will display a small number above the command history in the training mode of Tekken 7 that indicates the frame timing of each input. The Mod itself is a separate code injector program so you have to launch Tekken 7 first then later the mode exe to activate it. Once you have it working though, enjoy some extra data to hopefully help you get some of the more advanced execution stuff in Tekken down. Hopefully this eventually leads into a full blown frame data mod for the PC version? Big thanks go to Altimor for making the mod, you can download it over here:

Tekken 7 Input Frame Count Display Mod ≫


Guide - How to Emulate PSP Tekken 6 with the Screw Attacks Mod

This is a written guide to how to get the PSP version of Tekken 6 working with the Screw (tailspin) attacks that are in Tekken 7 as well as other mods like removing bounds. This mod project is actually a lot more extensive than it looks as it mods Tekken 6 to look like T7 and gives you a somewhat bootlegged way to play Tekken 7 since it's not out yet. There's a few files you need to download but I have it arranged and detailed step by step on how to get the cheat modifications working. It must be said that this guide is for getting Screw codes in T6 to work on PCs. Big thanks goes to the Tekken Philippines page for putting a guide out there on getting this to work, all the links (including the downloads) are taken from there. You can check out the website for their project here:

Tekken Philippines ≫

YouTube Channel (Video updates) ≫

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