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Entries in gallery (41)


Gallery - First Batch of Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Screenshots & Concept Art

Enjoy this first batch of Soul Calibur 6's debut gameplay images, key artwork and concept art of both Mitsurugi and Sophitia in game. All the media found inside are fairly high res so do note if you happen to be on a very slow or mobile data connection. It wasn't mentioned anywhere but I believe the character concept artwork was done by the Soul Calibur series illustrator Takuji Kawano. Have yourself a gander at it all below.

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Gallery - Noctis DLC Character & Hammerhead Stage Screenshots

Thanks 4Gamer for the latest batch of images. Check out official screenshots of the newly revealed DLC character Noctis and his Hammerhead stage coming to Tekken 7. Noctis and the stage comprises the 3rd and final DLC content pack in the Season Pass and will be available for download in Spring of 2018. Tekken 7 is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and on Steam.

4Gamer Source ≫

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Tekken 7 Version 1.07 Update Includes Balance Changes & New Character Art Panels

If you're reading this, then go and update Tekken 7 right now. Version 1.07 just launched on Steam and PS4s and it includes all the balance changes made to the game in the recent Version N update for arcades. In addition to the balance changes, an assortment of character panel artwork created by various artist were also added into the game and as of right now currently locked in the game but should unlock for everyone soon. These artwork panels were revealed back in San-Diego Comic Con but have now made their way into the game as of today. Here's a gallery of all the new artwork added. For the official patch notes on Version 1.07, check out the Bandai Namco US post on the Steam forums.

Patch Notes 1.07 ≫

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Gallery - Geese Howard DLC Character & Stage Screenshots

New batch of images for the newly announced DLC character Geese Howard and his stage from Bandai Namco have emerged. You can check out the new batch of in-game screenshots below. THE GEESE IS LEESE.

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Gallery - High Resolution Tekken 7 Character CG Renders

Direct from Bandai Namco. It's not an absolutely complete gallery since the Tekken 7 FR costume update renders aren't available but this is the a large batch of renders including the vanilla costumes. These images or assets are helpful if you plan to do any kind of art work like posters, banners or even arcade stick art and need a high resolution source of the Tekken 7 characters. Smaller images of all the renders are inside here and links to download full size versions of the images are available in the bracketed links. Data warning for those on mobile data or dial-up, there's plenty of images to be found inside.

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