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Entries in gallery (41)


Gallery - Soul Calibur 6 Siegfried Character Reveal Screenshots

Following along the recent Siegfried character reveal, here are gameplay screenshots of the character in action. This gallery also functions as the Soul Calibur 6 screenshot dump; part 5. Once again, here's a link train to the previous Soul Calibur screenshot batches.

Fourth Batch ≫

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Gallery - Noctis Lucis Caelum DLC Guest Character Screenshots

Enter Insomnia's crown prince, Noctis Lucis Caelum to the King of the Iron Fist tournament. In this hi-res batch of screenshots, you can see the latest images of Noctis in several of his available outfits from the cusomization mode. He comes loaded with his default outfit, the Royal Raiment, Choco-Mog shirt, Kingly Raiment, Casual Outfit & the Fighting King Raiment which was designed by the Tekken team. You can check out the latest images below and if here's a link to the previous batch of Noctis & Hammerhead gameplay screenshots.

Previous Noctis & Hammerhead Screenshots ≫

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Gallery - Fourth Batch of Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Screenshots

Soul Calibur 6 screenshot dump part 4. This batch of gameplay images features the newly revealed Zasalamel and Ivy on one of the newer stages in the game. Lots of uhh .... details to admire on in here. Once again, these are full HD sized images so warning to those on slow or data internet connections. If you're looking for the previous batch of Soul Calibur 6 screenshots, here is a link:

Third Batch ≫

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Gallery - Third Batch of Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Screenshots 

Soul Calibur 6 gameplay screenshot dump part 3. This batch features images from the Evo Japan build of the game so expect to see some Nightmare, Grøh, Xianghua & Kilik in here. I'll also be adding their character concept art and profiles that appear within the game. Internet data warning for those on slow or on data plan connections, the images in here are full sized 1080p images (resized to fit the page but you can expand and download them in full.) If you're looking for the previous batch of SC6 screenshots, you can find it over here:

Second Batch ≫

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Gallery - Second Batch of Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay Screenshots

Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay screenshot dump part two from the recent Winter Level Up press event. Get up close and personal with SC6's Sophitia and Mitsurugi in this batch of images. People on very slow internet or data connections beware, the gallery contains full sized 1080p images. You can find the first batch of Soul Calibur screenshots including character concept art back over here:

First Batch ≫

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