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Entries in files (2)


YouTube Playlist of Hidden Music Discovered in the PC Version of Tekken 7

Shirdel has recently discovered some hidden unused music that remains in the PC Tekken 7 data and the songs found are really peculiar. They range from being subtle music changes or remixs of tracks already in the game to outright different songs with stuff from the mid 1990s or from a Japanese discothèque. Really weird stuff. Tekken Jukebox DLC maybe? Have a listen to some of the music found and tell us what you think. You can find some of the notable music found with the entire playlist embedded below. Music comes courtesy of Shirdel's Namco Music Center YouTube channel.

Namco Music Center ≫

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Tekken Bowl Related Files Found Inside Tekken 7

Looks like we found the new Game Mode coming to Tekken 7 in the Season Pass? Tekken 7 recently launched on Steam and people have started to dig into the game's files. First discovery of note seems to be sound files for "Tekken Bowl" mode which is a mini game in the Tekken series. Of course we can't confirm whether or not this means Tekken 7 is getting the mode but who knows, who's down for some bowling? Credits goes to LiquidThroughCrack over on r/Tekken.

Reddit thread ≫

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