Shen Chan Talks Soul Calibur 6 on The Stage of History Podcast

Evo 2012 Soul Calibur V runner-up Shen Chan from Singapore took time to sit down with Bibulus on the Stage of History podcast to discuss his recent findings with the Soul Calibur 6 at Battle Arena Melbourne 10. In here you will find Shen Chan's thoughts on the new game and his scene but you will also find a ton of Nightmare's movelist info to digest in here if you're keen on playing him in the future. You can check out the >1 hour podcast episode (as well as the previous ones) over on The Stage of History's Podbean page:
The Stage of History with Shen Chan ≫
▌Chapter 5 - Shen Chan Talks Nightmare
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2012 Evo Runner Up calls in to talk about Nightmare after his experience playing the beta in Australia. Minor technical difficulties with a disconnect in the middle, so don't be surprised when I go from answering a question to Shen Chan saying I'm back :)
Hope you all enjoy
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