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Titan Set to Publish Tekken 7 Tie-In Comics in 2017 

This just in from New York's Comic-Con event, Titan Comics is set to publish a series of Tekken story related comics in 2017. Details are scare at the moment but the comic series will feature appearances of certain Tekken characters like Heihachi Mishima, Yoshimitsu, Nina Williams and Paul Phoenix. The Tekken related comics are said to tie into the new game as it comes out in early 2017. The creative team behind the newly announced Tekken comics have not been revealed just yet but another announcement on the comics is said to be around the corner. News on the Tekken 7 tie-in comics is reported from Comic Book and Twitter user @FreddieMKR.

Tekken Comes to Titan Comics ≫


▌Tekken 7 Titan Comics
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