Lionz Den Show Episode 1 Starring Lion-O, Asim & SpaghettiRip

Lionz Den is a new Tekken show series helmed by the tournament coordinator Lion-O that showcases the top Tekken talent in Europe. In it, you'll learn about each individual player's approach to the game, their overall strategy, mindset, responses to situations as well as their thoughts on character choices and more. The format of the show resembles Cross Counter's Excellent Adventure series with Lion-O's unique touch that makes for an entertaining as well as educational watch. For Episode 1, Lion-O and SpaghettiRip sit down with Asim in Pratice mode then later battling the online Tekken monsters on Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Check it out, and you can expect more episodes from this series to come in the future.
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▌Lionz Den Episode 1
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