Tekken 7 Arcade Opening Movie Revealed
Wonkey ON
Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:56PM

Just uploaded officially on the Tekken channel YouTube page! The game will be available in Japanese arcades on the 18th this month.
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Reader Comments (25)
IGN: 9/11 it's ok
OMG WOWz amazingzzzzzzz! sucks they used audio clips instead of recordings but idc, im HYPE
Tekken 7 will make all other fucking games irrelevant!!
Pretty freaking awesome, but I hope they get some more realistic character models for later Tekken titles
What the actual fuck?? I read the comments BEFORE I saw the opening movie. By the reactions I thought it would be some really cool stuff... but what the fuck was that??? Basically Heihachi and Kazuya just standing and talking before punching each others... what was so great about this 'movie'???
What the fuck was to like here?? Are you people actually retards?? This is enough to make you hyped? Exactly what was so impressive about this movie, may I be so bold to ask?
Tekken is so fucking boring and irrelevant that it's not even fun anymore. Everything about it is mundane. And that's not me being a cunt, that's just facts. The graphics, the animation, the gighting mechanics, the costumes.. EVERYTHING is so boring and uncharismatic that's it's mindboggeling this series still have fans.
I agree with you Cunty! This movie shows nothing new since Tekken 7 was announced and why does Harada being so secretive about the Chloe and Shaheen and even the console release date?
o gosh can someone plz delete this ass wipe's comment.... if u dont like tekken and follow the story u would never get the hype about this... plz leave the page and leave us fans to shower in the love of tekken.
LOL! We talked about the video and not anything about Tekken. My God reading comprehension please? And hey, I'm more than a fan than you, really!~ :P
i couldnt agree more. what the fuck want a hater on a fan page?
that fucking cunt complains in every news here
Im glad Junji Ito's Tomie from the popular manga with the same name had an appearance in Tekken 7. In case everyone here dont know Kazumi looks exactly like Tomie. Same hair, same almond eyes, same age as Tomie(Kazumi looks so young for a mother here), same face shape, same nose, same lips, same eyebrows, even with the same mole under her right eye. Just like Tomie Kazumi also have the same powers that just cant explain. Everyone here should google that. Did Harada ask permission from Junji Ito for creating Kazumi on Tomie's likeness?
Oops, sorry. Tomie have a mole in her left eye, not right. So Namco is safe on copying and intellectual property. What a simple alteration can do to a character
Standing over the corpses of Kazuya and Heihachi, she exclaims "Super kawaii desu, heeheeheee!!" and promptly starts a pillow-fight with an alien.
Made me laugh my ass off.
But yeah, I agree with Ashesfall and Raiza. I'm pretty tired of this being Cunty's amateur comedy hour / attentionseeking every thread 24/7. There's a point where the inmates start running the asylum and it's pretty close.
awesome trailer, saw this on rip's channel.
I wanna see Jin's mom and Kazuya's mom fight.... bathing suits!!
I hate to admit it, but I got to agree with Cunty here. This trailer was very underwhelming. What was there to be impressed with? This didn't look anywhere close to 'nextgen' graphics like Mortal Kombat trailers. It actually looked like it could be from Tekken 6.0 even. What did they show that was so awesome?
Dear haters,
Fuck off!
How the fuck is it being a 'hater' to simply ask: 'Exactly what is it that you find so impressie in this trailer? What is there to be hyped about?'
None of you fangirls actually answered Cunty's questions but just got butthurt by the truth. It is because he hit a nerve. You KNOW there is nothing special about the trailer. The graphics look last gen. The animation is boring. The costumes are the same. The trailer could even be for Tekken 6, it's so underwhelming.
Yeah, I know. The truth hurts. It's so much better to get defensive and call other people 'trolls' ad 'haters'. You all have lost!
Cunty for president!!!
Hey guys it's the shitty FMV that's gonna play repeatedly on the Arcade version. There is no need for it to be deep or involving. Two mofo's duking it out is more than enough.