New Female Character Revealed for Tekken 7
Wonkey ON
Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 12:21AM

Revealed on the Madcatz TGS stream.
- Named 'Catalina.'
- Playable at the upcoming October location tests.
- From Latin America.
- 'Beginner friendly' character.
- Sassy mouthed talker, will be vocal in-game.
- Fighting style is Savate.
Additional Tekken 7 related info revealed:
Tekken 7 will feature 2 new 'systems' added into the game. The team is focused on bringing back 'Tekken's true essence' into Tekken 7 after Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which was devoted to the hardcore playerbase.
There is another 'yet to be revealed' character to be playable at the October location test, is described to have an emphasis on a new mechanic which the Tekken team hasn't tried before but you may be familiar with in 2D fighting games.
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Reader Comments (19)
"The team is focused on bringing back 'Tekken's true essence' into Tekken 7 " is described to have an emphasis on a new mechanic which the Tekken team hasn't tried before but you may be familiar with in 2D fighting games."
This worries me a little... but I'm excited nonetheless...
But I am not very fond of this girls design... Savate is cool and all but visually I'm not a fan of the whore-esque look...
A sassy latina savate fighter sounds great, but I think her outfit is lacking in flair. Her sunglasses, hairstyle and underwear all look really generic, and the flared sleeves and pants are kind of dated.
her concept art with slightly better resolution
Lovechild of Christie and Miguel Kappa
sounds like byebye bound, not that i care about bound anyway. Miguelita looks fine though
I like the way T7 is headed.
'Beginner friendly' is just a codeword for 'cheap' I guess.
Two new systems added to the fucking game? I think what we need is to simplify the game, not add more systems to it.
Also, do we need more latinas? Isn't Eddy, Chritie and Tiger enough og them degoses? What kind of fightingstyle is Savate anyway?
I knew Harada would be a cunt!
So... its savate meaning no knees or elbows guess using counter on her once in a while is a counter on her plus since kick boxing we might see somewhat of a bruce gameplay for her.
People who complain about "more big tittied female cunts" are just gay.They prefer some new bodybuilder with small dick I suppose.Anyway she looks hot and cool.The only 2 things dat I don't like is:beginner friendly char and the sunglasses.She looks way better without sunglasses.
Yeah, because liking 'big-titties female cunts' in a videogame is more manly and less gay. By your logic it is less gay to like barbie dolls and play with them. Because they are female dolls and you play with them, it just have to mean you're more manly and less gay. Hey, that's how your logic works!
Pwnd son!
We don't like these female big-tittied cunts because they are cheesy and kitschy. It's all done in a vulgar bad taste way. Her thong sticking out of the pants is just tasteless. Not hot.
i would rather have that Salmon who popped eggs that they wanted to include in Tekken Revolution.
My real touhgts are for the new mechanics of this game.I wait to see some gameplay before to talk.I'm worried about that,not for the new characters.And then,I hate lili's type characters,dat's what I call "barbye-char".Catalina looks perfect for a figthing game.Just look to the others figthing games.Her design is perfect.Don't be gay dude, please.
Looks like a Latina shirtless version of Crimson Viper...
"We don't like these female big-tittied cunts because they are cheesy and kitschy. It's all done in a vulgar bad taste way. Her thong sticking out of the pants is just tasteless. Not hot."
More power to you, then. As for me, the more hypersexualised female characters there are, the better. Who cares about sexism in video games? Not me. I think Catalina looks great and I also like Lili's design. They look badass enough for fighting games.
I really don't see this game being the game we love anymore. With not one but two new big game mechanics it makes you wonder what else they could possibly do? I believe the game will change too much. If there's a meter or some sort of gay ultra I'll be disappointed. I hope they don't remove the bound because I like it and I think it adds more depth to combos. The damage doesn't matter because even with boundless they would still do the same damage. Tag 2 of course made everyone hate it because the damage is a little extreme. I'll decide if I'll keep playing after I see the gameplay.
OMG that dude just said "Lily is badass"
It's a strange world we live in amigos..
Hey, what's wrong with being gay?
How can anyone prefer women when Aris is such a sexy beast?
I like her face. She has a nice face.
It would be so much better without the sunglasses, she looks sexy but I don't like her pants, her top, except her face though and I find it hard to see her doing her fighting style, it seems uggh... incompatible for her with that LOOK! I'm a bit dissapointed with this character.
Nothing better than doing high extreme kicks while wearing skintight hiphuggers that shows your thong in high heels and sunglasses. It's standard K1 uniform at this point.
I'm not too keen on the design. Her sunglasses, jacket, and trousers are tolerable, but the bra is lackluster. I'm not too fond of the shoes, either. If they were boots as opposed to heels they might be better. The underwear showing is not my thing, either.
Unlike the idiot in the earlier comments, the LESS objectified and/or hyper-sexualized female characters there are, the better. I have no issue with women looking good, but that objectified/hyper-sexualized shit with the ladies needs to stop. More devs needs to learn that women can look smokin' hot without making them look like whores or whatever. Also, sexism in video games is a serious issues that anyone intelligent cares about.
Anyway, the fact that she'll use Savate is nice. I'll give her a shot. I hope she has some customizations that cover her up/look cool.