Final Reminder: StrongStyle Donation Drive Ends on EVO Weekend

This is the final reminder post I'm going to make regarding the StrongStyle donation drive to get me to Norcal's StrongStyle~5 tournament being held on the last weekend of September this year. The donation drive will end on EVO weekend or specifically the Sunday (7/12) so that I can refund everyone in time if this fails. I'd like to once again thank everyone who contributed so far, I'm actually surprised people like reading my website Avoiding The Puddle.
URL ▶ Long URL - CLICK ME!!!
$1200.46 AUD out of $1,700 AUD raised so far. (Add Norcal SS' $600 on top = $1800.46 raised!)
UPDATE: Fund Raiser funded! I'll now be going to StrongStyle! Please look forward to the announcement in the near future!
The bar above is manually updated so it may be delayed by up to a day or so. (When I get around to doing it.)
- Norcal StrongStyle ($600)
- Nudimon
- Noodlehead
- AlexR
- Run It Black
- Tekkombat
- Jeneric
- Death™
- Evil Semolus
- Reality2k
- NinthPixel
- Sonny
- QeruberosuMachine
- Cybermunnky69
- Comrade Chef
- Another 16 donators (No specific handle known/listed.)

Reader Comments (26)
Just want to add that I'm surprised to see a lot of people who are kinda connected to Wonkey and his cause not in the donator list yet. I mean if anything 10 dollars. That's this weeks major bitchcalling for ATP since there will be none. Hell even RiB has stepped up to the plate.
since we are almost half way there, how about we extend the drive? i didnt realize we got another push from donations! lets mr.wonkey out here!
I'm like most people here. I would donate, but if I can't watch it on stream there's no incentive for me to donate. I respect all you do for the Tekken community Wonkey. But even if I only get to see your stream; is also not enough. I would like to see everybody compete. Not allowing people to watch it is a major let down. I would donate a lot too!
I'd love to give it more time and extend the drive but no, too much of a hassle. Paypal gets rid of the 'issue a refund' function on donations in 60 days of receiving it so if I want to refund people after those 60 days, I'll have to send their money back manually with a paypal fee on top. fuck that.
Drive lasted 2 months anyway, I think that was more then enough time.
Even $3 could make a difference, if enough people donates that amount.
The lack of streaming definitely hurt this donation drive. I am one of the 9 "nameless" donators and the only reason I donated at all was the ATP episode where Bronson addressed this and gave us the impression he was planning something.
I gave him 20....
OK, where is RIP, Rickta etc.?
man its so hard i really want to donate but that "no stream" shit makes me way to angry to help you sorry i really love what you do but only because of that i dont jump in and help everyone.
the "i stream wonkeys games" is super stupid i mean when i watch a tournament i want to see how it develop and end.
Imagen watching a soccer game where you can watch 30-40min and thats it ... just stupid and i dont sympathize it.
(we all hate to watch stuff after its over and you may be spoiled)
tekken hasnt the biggest scene, not streaming isnt a good way to support what you enjoy in 2014!
and the "we want you to come and play so wie dont stream" bullshit, i am not a pro and living in germany its not realistic to visit strong style
just my own opinion
I hope that if this falls through it doesn't sadden you to much Wonkey. You ARE loved amongst the tekkz community. If anything it was just the wrong time, place, and incentive.
Let's try and stay positive and make this the best tekkenyear we can.
Hahaha, of course Reality it's fine. I'm surprised I got any donations at all! Especially since 'stream monsters' were mainly the people chipping into this.
Shame about the no stream thing but, I'll try to find archives and match videos from SS~5 and put it up here when they're out in the least.
Wonkey, could you tell something about yourself and your contributions at ATP?
You upload videos and info about japanese scene, are you japanese?
From where you take those info and materials?
I'm not actually Japanese (that much is made obvious from my TZ account), but I have been following their scene for the last odd years or so (nearing 2 now I think).
They all commonly stream on niconico which is mainly a Japanese broadcasting website but that website can be a pain and pretty stupid to work with sometimes when it comes to kicking people out for not having premium and only having stream archives available for viewing for 7 days before being deleted.
So I started hooking up a recorder to almost EVERY single interesting and decent Tekken stream that's on niconico and uploaded archives to YouTube for more 'permanent' archiving and making it more viewable for everyone else on the planet (YouTube is more accessible and I've been translating player names). Thanks to this, I've now gotten a BAJILLLION hours of Japanese tekken that you can only find on my channel. Kinda funny to note, I was expecting more international viewers but it seems like the Japanese themselves are the people mostly watching most of my archives.
I don't just keep track of just Japanese stuff though, I do care about other scenes too if they have an internet presence. I got onto ATP after all the news stuff I was posting on TZ's info threads which were pretty popular at the time.
There's way too much to mention about ATP contributions, so you can just see them all here:
Hey Wonky, did Bronson confirm how much he'd contribute to your donation if it reached a certain limit. I'm more of a spectator than a player from New Zealand and I'm willing to help your cause. (Putting aside the 'All Blacks vs Wallabies' conflict too =)
Yes anyone who hasn't supported is my personal bitch, honestly people, man is providing you with a ton of juicy vids and no one is looking to help a bruv out. And yes Broson a super, god-tier bitch!
hi to answer the above question, we are putting in $600 right now, i am sure wonkey needs a little more than that. so please anything helps to get his ass to america!
Oh my god, oh my God Bronson replied to my question :D, reverse bitch call on Bronson :D he my hero!
To the guys complaining about lack of stream... The point of your donation shouldn't be about getting something in return. Its about helping a guy out who does a lot for the scene - and not because he expects something back, just because he wants to help and loves the same game we do.
If anything, a donation is payback for all the benefit we've gained so far thanks to Wonkey.