Harada Reaching Out to Local Communities for a Potential Arab Character

Harada recently posted a tweet acknowledging the Tekken Arab communities and asking them for their input on a potential new character for Tekken 7. This might be the first hint at one of the brand new characters entering the series. However, this might also show how the developers are still conceptualizing a large part of the game hence it might be a long while before we get legitamite gameplay footage. Twitter links below.
Me and development team needs Arabian Fighting Game community power. We need discussion about "Concept design(We have some ideas already from Tekken5)". Because Me and Development team is all Japanese.
We know we got a lots of Tekken fan in UAE and Arabian.
BUT, we don't know "We do not know what kind of design they like". And we should learn about Arabian culture.
I'll planning "open OR close internet discussion" with Arabian fighting game fan community.
RT@KOAlliance harada-san are we finally getting a Arab fighter in Tekken 7? and maybe an actual Dubai Stage? fans in MENA Region! waiting!
But which online forum? Facebook or do you know any good one? (And I can't read Arabic by the way. We need discussion by English or Japanese).
RT @KOAlliance Harada-San I think ur idea is great to open discussion with the Arab Fans maybe via online forum? We are ready to share ideas
Reader Comments (13)
Isn't Zafina already an Arab?
I'm assuming they want a "culturally" Arab character. Even though Zafina is from Egypt, she really doesn't represent Egyptian people... she's a fictional character manifested from ancient Egyptian stereotypes. And her martial art IIRC is Indian.
Zafina is Indian according to wiki, but close enough to middle eastern as necessary I would say. And why are we adding more to Tekken I thought its going for less.
At the SDCC panel Harada said they were still conceptualizing core mechanics. The concept art of Lars also apparently isn't even finalized. And now these tweets further confirm that the game may be super early in development.
It makes me wonder. What if Tekken X Street Fighter is indeed still coming first? Maybe because Ultra Street Fighter 4 was just recently released, they do not want their game to overshadow it. Maybe Capcom was afraid it would take attention away from their game and its recent DLC. But, maybe namco thought it would be smart to still keep the Tekken brand going strong so they did a bit of a teaser for T7's story. I dunno, how much sense that makes from a marketing standpoint, though. And this could all just be wishful thinking. Because, as big of a fan as I am of Tekken, I am still more excited about the prospect of TXSF than T7.
We don't want more characters...
I do have SOME hunch that if what Bronson said is true, TxSF may be officially announced / shown at Strong Style apparently he told Harada at EVO "see you in September", maybe we'll finally see it? I'm dying to, after all when Street Fighter X Tekken was announced, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was announced later down the road, maybe they're doing the same with Tekken 7?
Tekken already has plenty of Terrorists :P
Shut the fuck up, Aris801, you retarded xenophobe cunt!!
I hope so, crush.
I'm white, you fucking cunt! You're a racist retarded hillbilly. Confirmed!
"...Go 'Muricah!...YEAH! All arabs are terrorists!.."
Why don't you post more links to 'gameplay footage' from E3? Man, how fucking retarded do you have to be to not see that it was the same fucking teasertrailer? It's almost mindboggeling how retarded piece of cunt you are!
LOL. Fucking retards everywhere! Learn to fucking spell, you illitterate cunts! Ever heard of capitol letters and punctuation?
Also, from the style of your retarded writing, plus the time of the posts, it is easy to understand that 'noobde' and 'aris801' is the same fucking person, just trying to pretend like more people are agreeing with him. It's so fucking sad I have no words! So pathetic!
Aris lost my respect with all the die of cancer and fuck your mom thing.
Sorry I didn't moderate this post earlier. "aris801" is a bitch.