San Diego Comic Con Tekken 7 Panel Archive + Summary
Friday, July 25, 2014 at 3:54PM

Along with the Tekken 7 extended trailer reveal, Namco also showcased concept art for Kazumi and Lars along with othe tidbits of information about the incomming title. Thank you to TeamSp00ky for streaming the rebroadcast. The archive is embedded below.
Watch live video from TeamSp00ky on Twitch
Watch live video from TeamSp00ky on Twitch
Concept Art sketches for Kazumi: (Art by Mari Shimazaki)
Concept Images for Lars: (Art by Ninnin)
- Namco is not ready to show gameplay for Tekken 7 yet, they are still finalizing the game mechanics.
- Tekken 7 will feature the character designs of seven guest artists, including Mari Shimazaki (Bayonetta), Yusuke Kozaki (Fire Emblem Awakening, No More Heroes), Ninnin (Duel Masters, Cardfight!! Vanguard) and Kenichiro Yoshimura (Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns). Previously the guest artists were only brought for the console extra outfits, now their designs will be implemend from the beginning of development.
- Shinji Aramaki will be directing the intro for Tekken 7. He is famous for his work on the anime Appleseed Alpha which he also directed.
- Tekken 7's story will go into the entire motivation for all the events that transpired throughout the series. Lingering quesions as to why Heihachi threw Kazuya down a ravine and why Kazuya's mother is dead will all be answered. Tekken 7 will also conlcude the Mishima storyline hinting at some kind of closure for the feud between Heihachi/Kazuya/Jin.
- Kazuya/Kazumi will NOT speak English in the final game. The English dub seen is only done for the sake of the trailer, the final game will have all the characters speak in their native language like in TTT2.
- Tekken 7 will most likely be a 1 v 1 game.
- Tekken 7 will have network features for the Arcade release very similar to how Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was networked globally during its operation. Hence because of this, having an Arcade release in North America will be "difficult" according to Harada.
- Harada understands the declining popularity of Tekken in the competitive North American scene judging by the enrants at EVO. He has also said steps are being taken to make the game more appoachable to the North Ameican audience.
- Tekken X Street Fighter is still in development. The reason the information has been so scarce about it is because Namco is waiting for the opportune time to market it.
Reader Comments (11)
That last one of Lars reminds me of Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden).
But is Harada going to #BUFFLARS
@Cunty McCunt
Tekken Revolution man...
kazumi looks tight
lars looks like mechanical ass
Gameplay footage from Comic con 14'
Not sure if trolling ^
> Tekken 7 will have network features for the Arcade release very similar to how Tekken
> Tag Tournament 2 was networked globally during its operation. Hence because of this,
> having an Arcade release in North America will be "difficult" according to Harada.
I'm afraid with this alone it won't help both the game itself and the American scene,
we should be aware that to protect the Japanese local scene Namco will delay the
console release, so expect the game be available to us no earlier than the fall 2015/
early 2016. This doesn't really help it at all.
These guys don't know what they are doing. At evo they should have shown SFxT. Before the SFIV finals. Showing tekken was anticlimatic and stupid. At comic-con they showed no gameplay footage. Why bother even mentioning tekken. It is reverse hype. If you got nothing to show, don't bother even bringing it up. Why hype us up for weeks and than drop the ball. This weeks bitch calling goes to harada and his staff. Good job guys.
Seems like everyting but the actual problem of so few people playing tekken is the only thing they are working on. If T7 is as craploaded of information as Tag was, you can say bye bye to this game.
The information in this game is waaay to much to fathm. Thats the problem with this. Way to many characters, and way to many useless moves for every character, wich ends up beeing a total clusterfuck.
If Harada wants to save this sinking ship, cut back on all that has to be learned about every character to stand a chance in this game.
Lars is back................vomit time.
I feel like Spooky is the only person who could have pulled through like this. Amazing job.