Bas Gros Poing's Interviews With Harada On The Development Of Tekken X Street Fighter

French Gaming site Bas Gros Poing conducted several interviews with Tekken Project's lead producer Katushiro Harada and Michael Murray back in 2011, 2012 & 2013 on the development of Tekken X Street Fighter. The interviews were in complete French and published on the site but for the sake of sharing this series of interviews, the Bas Gros Poing YouTube channel recently uploaded a compilation of the interviews making it more accessible to everyone. It's a pretty insightful set of interviews and may be of interest to those that like to follow the development of Bandai Namco's upcoming Tekken X Street Fighter game. Worth mentioning however, the interviews are quite old now so the information inside them may be out of date.
▌Bas Gros Poing TxSF Interviews
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Reader Comments (19)
Now that we know T7 is coming, nobody gives two shits about the crap TxSF surely will be. We don't want don't two worlds to mix toghether. Ewww 2D fightinggames. Yuck!
Yeah they need to figure out how to get the game so Justin Wong can divekick and to block strings with Rofus all day. I think I will stick to Tekken if the game is too much like Street Fighter.
TxSF will be as much like SF as SFxT was like Tekken. Which was zero.
They should make TxSF a 2d game. Target SF fans. Tekken fans will be satisfied with T7, TxSF will flop if both games are 3D and released in same timeframe.
All of these comments except MrTrololololol's comment are just retardedly ridiculous, both sides will be fucking happy enough, for one, I fucking hate Tekken "Resolution" (Revolution) and I haven't gotten the chance to play it, from what I've seen on Rip's YouTube Videos, Eliza pretty much confirms Ryu's Hadoukens will be fucking blockable and the Critical Edges in Soul Calibur V are pretty much how "Super Arts" will function, at least do some research with other goddamn Bandai Namco games and look for the key elements they share then maybe you might have a clear idea of how it's gonna play out.
I'm also pissed that Tekken 7 was announced, Harada said himself it wasn't the game he was going to announce until you faggot otaku computer nerds leaked the shit and killed my fucking day, that's why there is no gameplay because I'm sure Harada has made no progress on it at all, he said himself that the trailer is rushed, I said it before and I'll say it again, any hint or confirmation of Jin X Xiaoyu happening, I'm done with Tekken and sticking to Street Fighter and the dying hope of a future Darkstalkers, FUCK LOVE!
^ One thing about the entire T7 reveal is weird though. At KTA a norweigan player (isestadt?) who was playing Tekken at Evo said, before IGN put up the video, that the evo staff had messed up. They had happen to show the t7 logo by misstake when checking videos for sunday and players saw it and so he made a post about it that the reveal was going to be T7 and not TxSF.
Why would the evo staff have the t7 logo and be ready to go with it if they didn't plan to showcase it? Something just doesn't make sense. I see no point in him / others lying either. They WERE at evo playing Tekken and everyone really thought at that point 100% it was going to be TxSF as a reveal arguing it's before the SF finals and so on. It just doesn't make sense.
Can we stop with that shit already. There were no plans to announce any other game than the one that got announced.
Harada was making a joke, is that really so hard to understand?
Also, YourCrushisaSlut, I have a nice little bridge to sell you, idiot.
@ YourCrushIsASlut
Are you a fucking retard or just pretending to be?? How do you actually think the gaming industry works? Or businesses for that matter? Do you think they just randomly announce whatever that is convinient? Do you really think they wanted to announce TxSF but announced T7 instead beacuse of a random 'leak'??
Do you think they were working on an whole another game and just desided to scrap it and make T7 trailer in a day because someone leaked something on the internet? Do you actually think this is they way games are made?
Again, are you a fucking retard or just pretending to be?? There is a lot of work behind a game, and they're not going to suddenly change a game because of some internetleak. Namco and Harada has been planing this for months probably. I mean, how can someone even think there was anyting other planned. Like it went down like this:
"Oh, we have been working on TxSF for months now, even years, and we were planning on revealing it at EVO, but fuck it! Let's just scrap that game because someone leaked T7 logo on the internet. Let's just make an whole other game, well, we can just announce T7 instead, even though we have nothing planned out or even made any trailer. We can probably just do it in one day.. because, you know.. internetleaks.. they MUST be followed up somehow!"
Fucking hell!! Is this how you think shit went down?? Fucking retards!!! Retards everywhere!!
Harada has now confirmed that they will show gameplay at Comic-Con and that we will be playing the game pretty soon.
I hope Tx SF is dead and will never be made! You can suck my big black dick, motherfucker!
Everybody read Reality's comment and cry me a fucking river, Harada said it himself it wasn't the game he was going to announce.
Everybody take your bullshit to the link I have provided to you;
and crawl back into your 4faggot message boards and wank your little peanut shell rubber band jock strap pebbles to your live webcam chat rooms.
My random prediction:
Tekken 7: Ready by 2018
TxSF: Ready by 2020
Final Fantasy XVIII VS/15: Ready by 2052
My random prediction:
Tekken 7: On consoles by 2016 but in arcades by 2015.
TxSF: Ready by 2017
What's up with some of you thinking Harada was not going to announce Tekken 7 but something else. The whole "I wasn't going to announce this" thing was a joke. Some people there had already seen the logo days before so it was obviously queued to be shown in the event, way before the leak and the subsequent "change of mind" to show something else than planned for Harada, isn't it obvious enough?
That link to that statement by Harada.. LOL.. seriously?? That's a fucking joke!!!
But it has been scientifically provem that to understand jokes and irony, you actually have to have higher IQ than 83.. so I guess you two are actually retards!!
Stupidity of some people.. still not believing that T7 was the game.. what about the questions I asked? Do you think it is just random and desides in minutes what Namco is about to reveal? Have you even had a real job?? Have you ever had a real presentation? Do you know the amount of work and preperation that goes behind these things? It's not any random annoncement based on the mood of the day, you fucking cunts!!
@Cunty McCunt
Bold words coming from a cunt nugget who retardedly stated as much as everyone else in these comments that he's not touching Tekken 7 if it's anything like Tekken Revolution and has to type off "cunt cunt cunt cunt" before and after he makes a statement
does that ingenious IQ come tourettes?
Nice work trying to gain attention keyboard warrior! XD
What the fuck has that anything to do with the discussion?? Why don't you just stick to the matter being discussed instead of making the debate rail off? People without argumenets tend to do that.
Me typing cunt doesn't change the fact about the issue we're discussing, you fucktard. Besides, this is the internet. We're SUPPOSE to be trollin'. This is not a serious scientific board, you get that, son?
Fucking cunt!
Calm down guys, don't put a cart before a horse.
I can agree, however it is still too early for Tekken 7.