ATP Live Episode 66 - ft @reepal and @ricksteeezy
Aris ON
Friday, October 24, 2014 at 5:57AM

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Reader Comments (7) Aris watch this. this guy is genius. all of his videos are gold.
Great! Change the system mechanics so super high tier characters like Steve even better! Fuck that cunt Harada. Tekken 7 is gonna be so broken!!!!
Also @ Tekkenlover. None of those videos were fun. IT's basically illegal to film people without their permission most of the time. Using arguments like "but here are cameras at the grocery stores" or "NSA are watching us" are retarded because they are doing it for a reason; preventing crime. Grocery stores don't want people to steal and so on. They have a purpose. What's so hard to understand.
@ cunty it is funny it shows the irony when we go to store there are always camera around us watching our every move people dont have a problem with that, but when people being filmed by another individual they freak out, it shows the irony, it is not legal to video tape people in public, otherwise police would have arrested every single person that video taped them in public, check the law again.
meant to say it not Illegal* to video tape people in public, now you might think that's a bad argument when it comes to store video taping us (i understand it is for security reason and have no problem with that), and another individual video taping us in public, but many people agree and see a valid point in his argument. Thats why he he gets so many thumbs up and compliments in his videos.
No, he gets thumbs up because most people are retards and can't think past arguments like 'yeah, we get filmed all the time at the supermarket, and that's ok for everybody, what's so big deal with this'.. This is a flawed logic.
This statement brings no valid point. Supermarkets want to prevent crime. That's usually the point of most surveillance cameras. Going up to peoples faces when they are eating or just sitting in their car or classroom like this idiot was doing serves no purpose other than being annoying. He has no point besides wanting clicks on his videos.
Arguments like 'there are cameras all around us all the time' is not good because the camera just stays at one place and films everybody that happen to walk by it, it doesn't choose who to film. It doesnæt pick out some random person and follow it around for no reason. The caera at a store just films an area to secure it. If you happen to pass by, you get filmed. That's totally different. If you are not smart enough to make that distinction, then go ahead, click on like button on that video. You're still wrong.
I can just take a shit on the street, film it, call it art and put it on the youtube. It still wouldn't make it art, even though many people would agree or give me thumbs up.
ok man lol whatever we have our differences of opinion
Both arguments are valid. Taping someone without thier permission is indecent. Attacking someone for it is very aggressive.