Lab Zero Successfully Integrates PS3 Arcade sticks on PS4

Although not directly related to Namco's fighting games, it is definitely relevant to everyone's interests. Lab Zero games have managed to include the drivers for PS3 compatible arcade sticks with the PS4 version of the game and thus saving gamers 100's of dollars from investing in PS4 specific arcade sticks. Fans of Tekken 7 will be facing the same dilemma once the game hits PS4 eventually. Now that everyone knows it's possible and Lab Zero is offering the drivers for free to any developer that wants to use it, you all know who to talk to make sure this feature will be in T7. More quotes from the developer below courtesy of Polygon.
EDIT: Recently it's come to light that Lab Zero weren't solely responsible for the creation of the driver, it was a collaboration between Lab Zero and Naughty Dog.
This is the official statment from Lab Zero game's head Peter Bartholow:
"Any stick that reads as a Generic USB GamePad or Joystick will work," Bartholow said in an email to Polygon. "This covers MadCatz TEs, which are the majority of what the fighting game community uses right now, as well as many other smaller brands and custom options such as the GodLike Controls' Cthulhu boards."
"With all the different custom sticks out there, we won't be able to test everything ourselves. So we'll be building out the compatibility list through public testing and listing it online, so people know what will work beforehand."
And how this can finally UNBAN DS3's in tournament:
Bartholow says any device that identifies itself as a DualShock 3, instead of something more generic, won't work with its driver. The popular PS360+ board and Inpin PS2 to PS3 adapter will not work for this reason, Bartholow says. There's also no way to support PS4-specific features like the DualShock 4's Home and Share buttons, so players will need to rely on a standard controller for those functions. (That may actually be a benefit in tournament situations, where errant presses of the Home button might interrupt play.)
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Reader Comments (1)
OMG if you do this Harada.... I will forever be in your debt. I will buy everything with your name on it, since you always give the best BANG!! for your buck