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TEKKEN 7 - Official Introductory PDF


Once your health falls below a certain value, you enter into rage mode and your attack power increases. During that time, you have access to special powerful moves known as rage arts.
The command varies per character, so check the command list.

  • when the life bar indicates, you have access to rage arts
  • you can use them in combos
  • go for the comeback victory!!


Even if you are hit during your attack, you will continue to attack until the end of the move. It is powerful as you can use it as often as you like, to absorb as many attacks as you like, but you will still take the damage from the opponent's move, so watch your life bar carefully.

Thanks goes to Noodalls for the translation!

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Reader Comments (6)

The new fighter appears to be named "Kuraudio". Possibly translated as "Claudio". I like him. He looks stylish.

Well, Harada did say he wasn't going to put Tekken Resolute invincibles. What he did was put a different version of them. This time you take damage, so it's like you have Hyper Armor.

Rage seems to have a different application as well. This time it unlocks moves or gives more damage to already usable ones, it seems.

Now, I have one complaint. Why is Oscar cute? Why does she look cute? That's breaking the rules. She's not supposed to be cute. I see Oscar and Lili side by side and I feel more compelled to pick Lili, from what I see in the character panels. Isn't Asuka supposed to be like a tough girl or something? What gives?

Visually, even though the graphics aren't at 100%, I like how the game is looking, especially the life bars.

Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 6:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterOcelot

Ha ha HAHAHA ha haha .... I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew that cunt Harada would fuck this game up!!!


So this basically means the game is heavy on comebackmechanics. Get ready for random and weird non-deserving comebacks by attacking desperatly and getting huge reward for it. I can just tell now what's gonna be wrong with Tekken 7.

People are gonna complain skills doesn't matter. It'll boil down to this "new" rage-mode where worse players gonna beat better skilled players by landing a random lucky launcher and dealing huge damage and winning the round.

And what the fuck does it even mean that you can continue to attack even when you're hit? How does that work? You take the damage and can still attack? Does it go for the opponent too? Both players are attacking simultaneously and taking damage at same time too? Sounds so fucking dumb! Just look at the last photo where King and Dragov are fighting. Both take the damage! Counterhits are gone..?? This sounds SO BAD!! It basically means you can buttonmash and win. I HATE IT!!!!

No, I'm glad. Tekken is done! This series is officially dead now!

Friday, October 3, 2014 at 12:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterCunty McCunt

Reply to ^

I know I shouldn't take the bait, but I see this too often. New mechanics like this don't automatically render a good player into a bad one. In fact, the better player will know how to adapt. While you whine and blame the game for losing, I'll be armoring through frame traps and baiting/punishing "random" supers. These aren't even new concepts within fighting games, get with the times.

Friday, October 3, 2014 at 7:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterFG Enthusiast

"Armouring through frame traps"

That right there shows you how potential bad this mechanic can be.

Friday, October 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterMilitantMissionary

I think you mean how good it will be, maybe think before your next action.

Friday, October 3, 2014 at 6:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterCorpulent Goku


Everything here is up in the air until we get our hands on the game, but power crush moves don't sound bad at all on paper. Basically (known as of now) the whole cast gets a slow, not fully-invincible armor move that is susceptible to lows. I'm sure they will also be launch punishable. We've been dealing with Lars lightning screw and the like (which yields much greater reward) so how is this any worse really? Anyways, the game is offering more mind games for a back and forth fight which I find interesting.

Friday, October 3, 2014 at 9:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterFG Enthusiast

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