Tekken Nation Officially Closing Down

TekkenNation.com was once a bustling Tekken website that focused more of the light hearted side to the TEKKEN series in it's heydays. A notable example of which: is of Katsuhiro Harada himself posting on the site clarifying certain details about the game's storyline & characters. The website served as an interesting juxtaposition with the TekkenZaibatsu website which is geared more towards the competitive aspects of the Tekken games. Recently, Cosmic_Castaway posted a thread notifying all readers in advance that the web site will be offline on the 17th of January due to long periods of site inactivity. With this site closure, it feels more like that Tekken Zaibatsu is the main central Tekken hub for the English speaking world despite that website too being generally inactive and feeling a bit too dated for the average user, which will most likely be using social media like a consolidated Facebook group or a twitter account to establish an online presence. Regardless, a lot of Tekken history goes down with the site and there's a bigger void for 'casual' Tekken content on the internet.
▌Tekken Nation Closing on Jan. 17th, 2014
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The friends that I have met here are some of the best I have to this day, and I will never forget this site's part in shaping my life. A special note to all my moderators: thank you for your time; you served me, the site, and the users well. It was a pleasure having you on board. And to Deebo, if you get the chance to read this, thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Source ▶ http://tekkennation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=10594
Found it through this tumblr ▶ http://slipperykick.tumblr.com/post/73488144351/on-the-demise-of-tekken-nation

Reader Comments (17)
Good riddance!
This shitty ass, useless, over-the-top, crazy, difficult, cheap, random, gimmicks-promoting-piece-of-crap game and everything related to it needs to die!
I'm glad!
Only thing that'll bring masses to Tekken is they need to cut the cast to max 30-35. The numbers of move to 50-60, remove the glitch called KBD, no cheap quick lows that give full combo.
This game needs to be managable to get the masses to play with it. TTT2 is just for a few hardcore crazy idiots with no life. Tekken 6 was as difficult as a Tekken should be. It had it's flaws, but it was perfect difficult-wise! They just doubled that amount for TTT2. That's bound to fail.
Tekken Revolution is too retarded with no back-roll resets and those power-up your stats shit.
Also, fuck you!
I never heard of Tekkenation until now, but it does suck that the site is going down. A good alternative to Tekkenzaibatsu is Tekkenpedia. Cosmic_Castaway can improve on that site.
Justin beiber. Sucks at tekken and life Lol
Justin beiber is a Meat-Spin Catcher with a low IQ (30-35 moves set lol) If you can't handle a game with over an 35 move-set your just a moron that shouldn't dirty any game with your meat-spinning hands low life! Quick lows that give a full combo are troublesome but by no means break the game. Maybe for a moron like you it's broken!
This has nothing to do with the game being good or bad... its just a damn website. I'd never heard of it either.
I have only come across that website when searching for Tekken related memes. I never participated in it, but I still don't like to see a Tekken community website going down like this.
Fuck Justin Bieber. His crackhead ass is gonna get Ark Blasted to meat-spin oblivion.
Its crazy how many of you wouldn't admit that TTT2 is just a bad game and one of the worst Tekken games to date.
The game consistently proves that it failed among both the professional and casual players and yet the diehard idiots simply wouldn't admit that!
Its buggy , messy , bloated , and soulless game. I once loved Tekken but I truly hate TTT2.
To be honest, I liked Tekken 6 a lot more. Them wakeups and mindgames. TTT2 is a bit too chaotic.
@ Sherm-X69X
Ha haha.. you fail, blind fanboy! Clearly more people agree with me. Also, the numbers speak for themselves. There are almost no activity on TekkenNation or TekkenZaibatsu. Why? Because people aren't playing this game!
We have a life! We have better things to do than learn hundreds of frames and all the gimmicky, cheap, over-the-top, random stuff that is happening in this game. This game is too much to handle. Everybody is saying that. Aris think so. Rip thinks so, and so on and on.
Of course you have a few die hard fanboys that would still love Tekken no matter how bad it fucked up, but they are dellusional. I used to be like that. But then I thought 'why should I lie to myself?' I just realized that I wasn't having fun playing it. And that's only the games fault!
Namco sure doesn't care. When they released Tekken Revolution I knew everything was over for my part. I'm done with Tekken as a series. When the next installment comes out, I'll be too old to play fucking videogames. I'm glad the series got so bad, I won't miss it!
(Also, it wasn't my cocaine. It was Lil' Za's.)
The game is a complete mess.Even if you dedicate your entire life to play you will just struggle.
look at Nobi, JDCR struggling to beat a fucking 13 year old!!!
Whose fault is that ? are they not good enough ? NO
The game doesn't reward anyone.Its a tedious , terribly designed bore.Absolutely the worst tekken in my experience because it ISN'T fun and even at hardcore levels its an unrewarding, endless hole.
Justin Bieber and Wakeup sound mad because they suck at Tekken. There's plenty of people who still love Tekken. I dont think anyone will miss you if you leave Tekken though.
So why are there no activity at TekkenNation and TekkenZaibatsu? This is happening all over the world at all the local Tekken-related websites!
They sure weren't dead when T6 was happening.
I have already said that there will of course always be some who'll play TTT2 forever. That doesn't mean the game is good. When masses turn away from it, it's only the game's fault. You need to see the reality!
@ Justin Bieber
You say Nobi and JDCR struggled to fight a 13 year old, as if that meant something. If you happened to watch the matches, you would realize AK did something very smart, which was to join the unpredictability of an online player with the good fundamentals of a solid competitor. The guy was fetching for whiffs, he punished tag crashes and back rolls, and he threw out some flip kicks to keep his opponents on tilt.
Or maybe you did watch the matches, but you weren't paying attention. Or you just lack knowledge of the game.
I actively play Tekken. I lurk around forums but I seldom participate in them. Many players don't even know about the forums' existence. There are countless people playing Tekken 6, TTT2 AND Tekken Revolution every day. I always find a wide array of opponents. A lot of people are playing the game. The reason why it's not given relevance in the USA FGC, is because it doesn't have "Capcom" slapped in the Blu-Ray case.
It is true that for a newcomer, the game is too much. There are too many moves, too many characters. And in the competitive scene, there are many weird variables to handle. But it is still possible to make some sense out of everything.
I know pretty much every character. Tell me a name, and I'll give you key moves, BnBs, and shenanigans. I got to this level of knowledge somehow. It wasn't overnight. It takes time. A lot of time.
But you know something? Tekken portrays the world of fighting very well in that aspect. If you want to be good, you have to dedicate yourself to it. The player always has a chance of learning something new. It's very easily seeable in karate. You need decades to finally get the technique and the feel right.
People want results and they want them fast. Too fucking bad for them. Fighting is the discipline of the human body, and it takes a lot of time to educate it. Tekken is all about that.
i just started playing tekken about two months ago, and let me say this game takes time to learn. alot of ppl just want to learn 5 moves and go play online. honestly it most of the casuals tht want the moves dumb down. if u came from t6 then u know wat ur already getting into why complain ?
I'm not saying you're entirely wrong, but what you say apply to like 50 people in the whole world. What I say is true for probably 5 million people. Namco wants the latter group and they need to make this game bearable.
TTT2 is perhaps the best Tekken to date, and anyone who thinks it's horrible is simply a hopeless soul who should have played T4 back then.
It's quite a feat to have 60 characters and still hold a degree of balance in the roster like this.
Wow. That's sad love the game and to the guy dissing get a life. Everyone likes what they like.