Kazuya PEWGF Tutorial
BY TheMainMan ON Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 12:28AM
Hopefully this will help people who want to master the PEWGF.
Hopefully this will help people who want to master the PEWGF.
Reader Comments (3)
In b4 "this is not practical" / fuck df2 to ewgf
Thanks for the tutorial! That ewgf pewgf pewgf df+2 exercise is dope!
How is it not practical? I have seen players like Ryan hart pull it off multiple times in a tournament, sometimes in a single match.
In TTT2 you almost might as well go for it from abolishing fist in most circumstances because you get a decent red life damage combo off it even if it fails which may do a little less damage than a standard tag assault but you don't even give a shit because it's a fucking red life combo. and if you land it they are dead...
With this tutorial I went from about a 1 in 20 to a 1 in 10, so it's definitely useful, the exercises he offers is very good for practicing this.
This is the real reason why Kazuya in theory is the best character in the game. You just have to be from fucking corusant to do it every single time..