MASTERCUP.6 - Promotional Video Released
BY Wonkey ON Friday, September 27, 2013 at 7:44AM
New PV for MASTERCUP.6 has been released and it now features the fantastic narration of Fumihiko Tachiki! The video is courtesy of the official MASTERCUP YouTube channel. In slightly related news to Mastercup, the tournament has also just surpassed a 100 teams registered on the site giving the tournament over 500 participants. Among the most interesting players that can seen on the site are Rodalfo from Tekken Italia (team 81), Snake from Taiwan (team 84) & JT Chinoy (team 89). There will be further deatils and announcements from the tournament to come closer to the event's date.
tagged MasterCup, TTT2, Video, announcement, tekken, tournament in Stream, TTT2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Video, news, strategy, tekken, tournaments