Yuu & Nobi's New Twitch.TV Channel

Good news for those who love to watch Tekken streams, famed Japanese players Yuu and Nobi have set up a new Twitch.tv channel. Although I don't know if they'll be fully using it, on niconico they stream semiweekly Namco Sugamo 'Ranking Battles' on Wednesday and Saturday evenings in which the regulars at the arcade play in a small single elim tournament in various formats with commentary from Nobi and several other participants. They also stream console games and various special events from time to time so hopefully they do decide to move to Twitch. You can receive notifications on when the channel goes live by following the channel or by following Yuu's twitter.
Image header taken from hataly0327's Flickr photostream.
▌Yuu & Nobi's Twitch Channel
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