TR - Christie & Lee Added To The Roster On 10/30

A new update for Tekken Revolution has been announced and this time, Lee and Christie Monteiro will be joining the roster. Both characters will arrive on the 30th this month along with new premium effects and costumes for certain characters in the PSN store. Additionally, there's also several new events for the game, chances to earn more login bonuses, tweak to some of the game mechanics and more. You can check it all out below.
▌Update (10/30)
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- Lee and Christie Monteiro added to the roster.
- Highest rank cap raised to 23 DAN (Suzaku).
- "Premium Daily bonus" added, you can achieve 1 a day by using a premium ticket in any mode.
- New bonus for players that achieve the highest rank and keep a 10 win streak added. You're opponent has to be no less then 2 rank below yours to count in the streak.
- New Premium Effects and character costumes added to the PSN store.
- Additional daily bonus for logging in over 110 days.
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- Fight Money present, logging in during 10/30 til 11/5 will earn you 100,000 in game gold.
- In a premium session during 10/30 til 11/5, all rewards after a match is doubled. (2x)
- Mokujin Rush will be returning on 11/1 til 11/3. Bonus battle and 'Turbo' battles are added into the mode.
- An additional bonus for clearing Mokujin Rush has been added.
- You can also use a Premium Ticket or Premium Coin in Mokujin Rush which will multiple the rewards you get in the mode (up to 6x max)
Source ▶
You can see more images of the update on the official site ▶

Reader Comments (12)
Meh..! Tekken is not relevant anymore!
30th October for Europe and the USA or only for Japan?
Seriously though, where the fuck is Yoshimitsu?
Yomama, you are a bitch. Good games are always relevant, and Tekken (even this shitty watered down version) is still the best fighter out there. It may not be popular but that doesn't make a good game.
Your comment is null and void.
Alright!!! bring on the Christie button mashers!! i play this game like once or twice a week for a few hours at a time, there is no better fighting game than TEKKEN!! ill lose my mind if Jaycee becomes available.. holy chit
Is it just me that wants Marduk in this game? :(
What happened to that one Vampire Girl, Harada was talking about? IDK if anyone knows but if Harada's saying that this kid is going to work like a 2D Fighter so she can "stand out" from the other fighters, I guess this is a preview of what we may see with the Street Fighter characters in Tekken X Street Fighter?
Next unannounced characters are Armor King and Jun Kazama... Mark my words! :)
I've seen many people voting and commenting that they want Yoshimitsu and he's still not in the game, I think that they started commenting from the start in the initial 8 characters and now we are in November.... I fell like namco is hiding something but I don't know. Maybe they are working on a new model for him? Maybe they are trying to give him good special art/critical moves? Maybe they don't know if they are going to keep the heal ability/suicide ability because they are afraid that noobs will use them at the wrong moment? I can list many factors why Yoshimitsu is not in the game even if I want him so badly but I really want to know why they keep deleying him...
PS - My real name is Anna Williams if you wonder why I want Yoshimitsu instead of her..
This is news? -_-
Looks like Namco is serious about creating a bigger Tekken fanbase. I may have to buy another ps3 just to own you guys with my awesome Christie button mashing skills! lol @PanteraSD