TTT2: Ancient Ogre's Infinite Kick Infinite at the wall

A fairly interesting and eyebrow raising discovery about Ancient Ogre's Infinite Kick series has recently been captured onto DR1013's Youtube channel. For the most part, it looks to be extremely situational as it requires the opponent to be cornered into the wall but it's still worth noting. Check it out below.
**Edit by Aris**
I just tested this and it is in fact a true infinite (does not work with Lee's infinite kick). Infinite works if the third hit of the mid options connects with your opponent's back to a wall. Even without a corner (just at a wall) it can easily deal 75% damage if not kill you. Hopefully this goofy console character stuff gets patched soon.
Thanks @CEOJebailey, for the tip off.
Reader Comments (26)
Please test this before you post stupid comments. Thx
Just did doesn't work you're a moron.
This is why a SOUL CALIBUR player shouldn't make posts about Tekken. This is not an infinite Aris, I can't believe you. How did you not know about this? It's been in every Tekken game since 4 and it's NOT an infinite.
Not an infinite. never was. Pathetic someone would think it is.
It's an infinite if the 3rd hit hits crouching. And I didn't make this post. Let's also not forget the multiple people who have tested it correctly. But thanks for posting anonymously so brave. Boom!
lol thinking about this again, it's kinda funny that you guys would think I'm wrong.
Aris is an idiot and I'm gay. Super gay.
i just tested this and it's as real as my multiple wives and utah
Isn't this just like Ganryu's d+2,2,2,2,2 etc against the wall? Like, in practice mode it shows up as 99 hits, but it isn't necessarily guaranteed...
Correct me if i am wrong
Test it against a human please.
PS: ZTS, I'm looking forward to seeing you in person.
you can test it against the computer as well, if you set action 1 to crouch block, action 2 to stand guard, and whiff the first two hits of infinity kicks and hit with the third and so on (all at the wall of course)
Yep, that shit looks broken, but at least the video provided an example of "mids" that can hit Kunimitsu.
Who is qa testing this game in japan. They get paid obviously to do a whole lot of nothing. lol
Zero the shadow? That scrub troll from tz? No worries aris.... shouldnt trip over some cock inhaler who cries over button checks.
HAHAHAHA! Cock inhaler!
white power
Aris, what's your psn name? i want to beat that ass
There you have it! Only 2 days after console release this game is full of bugs, glitches and infintes.
This is what you get for not releasing a character in the arcades first! Then they won't undergo a qualitycontrol like those others.
Why is Namco even doing this idiotic console only character thing? All DLC characters should be banned until they're patched and everybody has gottten them!
Namco better patch this as quickly as possible. It is a game-breaker! We don't need this kind of broken shit!
Also, this guy trolling, is he a fucking retard or something?? Doesn't he know that an administrator of a website can see what IP adress is posting a comment and then just look it up to who the motherfucker was? If it really is this ZTS fellow, man that guy is a pathetic poor retard, hiding behind different names.. St. George should see this..
games fine! just a few bugs, not much
Wow, there are some people going apeshit over this and the Kunimitsu crouching hitbox like it's the end of the world.
I think we've a way to go before we reach shuriken+fireball = console lock-up level problems.
Although the infinite exists how many people are going to be affected by it, realistically? It's pretty situational, I don't end up playing against AO, back to the wall, crouching and eating the third hit of Infinite Kicks very often.
I'm sure that I will see an increase of AO online now as the scrubs rush to try and harness what they perceive to be some awesome advantage that will get them free wins, but jesus christ, if anything I'd rather see 10x more AO players trying this shit out and 10 times fewer braindead morons trying to cheese people out with Bob mixups and Law flips!