STL1119 Discovers a New Method Of Wallcarry?
Wonkey ON
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 7:43PM

In what appears to be another oddity during combo making, STL1119 has created a situation whereby executing a tag launcher at a specific time in a combo will flip the opponent to your character's backside while he starts the running out animation. Might be slightly hard to picture this so luckily for us you can see a short video of this unfolding below.
Reader Comments (6)
How far will the tagging out character take the launched character? I can't really judge from such short distance if the juggled character is still falling or if he's floating on the tagging out characters' head.
Could STL or someone with access to the game test the distance this will take the opponent?
Wtf, i just tried to do this but its pretty tough to time as you need to be backturned as well as have enough time to raw tag etc. Nif I figure out a better set up than dj/raven then ill post the up.
@ jonsf - Those were all tag-buffered launchers. No raw tags.
oooh, thats even harder then ><
It looked like a dropped combo to me...