E-Stars Seoul 2012 TTT2 Final: Knee VS Holeman
Aris ON
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 10:39AM

Check out the final match of Korea's eStars Seoul TTT2 tournament. Thanks to dlschar for the upload.
Reader Comments (5)
man my tekken dream is to someday have a deathmatch with KNEE
after watching a finals like this, how can anyone think the damage is too high in TTT2?
Afaik Koreans play with +10% healthbar option. At least they did in T6(BR).
But I dont think the damage is significantly more than in BR. 2-3 mistakes (launchers or bad oki guess) is all it took to die. Now you can die from 2 launchers if you don't tag but you have 2 life bars and can recover some health as well.
in korea, I didnt even hear about this tournament. T__T
if you die because you didn't want to tag, you're either got balls or you're a dumbass. either or, you deserved to die.