SCV: Super Battle Opera 2012 Qualifier - July 22nd at Super Arcade

US Tougeki qualifier for Soul Calibur 5 at Super Arcade!
Details below. *EDIT* Date is actually the 22nd of July.
Date/Time: July 22nd at 5:00pm.
Location: Super Arcade, 1211 N Grand Ave. Walnut CA
Entree fee: $30 ($25 if you register by the 20th)
Prize: The winner will take home the only US Tougeki spot for SCV and half their plane ticket to Japan. Huge thanks to Super Arcade for putting this together.
Stream: Stream information is still being worked out and will be announced shortly.
Standard tournament rules apply. Please make sure you have a valid passport and will be able to attend SBO which will take place in Japan on August 4-5th.
If you have any questions, direct them to Super Dojo on Twitter. Good luck!
Reader Comments (12)
Wow, Qualifier on the 22nd of July and tournament on the 4th of August? Whoever wins is going to have to get a hurry on.
Half their planeticket? That's weak (sorry) but it is what it is.
"Stream: Stream information is still being worked out and will be announced shortly" Commandad?
Also I'm 100% agree with Reality on the matter he put up, that's weak.
lol come on guys, that's what winners have always gotten for SBO quals in the US. That's also what I got when I won with rip and Suiken in 2010. It's not weak when you think about who's paying for it, and how much Super Arcade has supported the SC5 scene since release.
50% of the plane ticket is always how it was. It would be nice if 100 people entered so the entries could cover 100% of the ticket + hotel + food etc, but in reality only around 10-20 people will enter and Super will have to cover the rest of the plane ticket out of pocket.
Ill enter just to support.
Isn't half the planeticket the deal for Marvel also?
Btw guys (Aris / Insomno) I didn't even know Super was coughing up the money for this. I thought it was Namco etc who were paying so wasn't being an ass about that part. Actually surprised that it's the arcade were the qualifier is that has to pay expenses for travelling and whatnot.
is there going to be a steam for this and sbo?
Is SBO itself a Namco sponsored event? I mean, every organizer out there pays for tickets for qualifier winners. Also good luck to Cynnik if he enters. You show them, fat boy.
Uhm so did this actually happen? Stream info hasnt been updated at all. Any archives?
For those looking for the stream it's up on