EWGF This Friday Plus Site News

The primary reason for this post is to remind everyone that we will be streaming Tekken 6 off the cabinet from Super Arcade this Friday night around 8:30pm (PST). I would also like to take this opportunity to tell those of you who don't know that I have been streaming from my home at random times. I'm still very new to house streaming so there are still some kinks I need to iron out. I am usually pretty unpredictable as far as times so if you are interested in catching those late night Dark Souls sessions, make sure you follow us on our TwitchTV page as well as Twitter. You can find all archived stream footage by following the link below.
The final order of business I would like to discuss here is future live tutorials. I am saving some money so I can buy another hard drive in order to be able to stream and capture at the same time. Once I do this, I plan of doing live tutorials for Tekken6/TTT2 as well as SCV. The purpose of these tutorials will not only be to share my knowledge of the characters/games, but also for myself to interact and learn from the chat. If you have tuned in for the Dark Souls streams, you will know how valuable the chat can be when you are getting owned. My goal is for everyone to work together to make 3D games more popular. Not for bigger prize pots, but for the love of the game.
If you have any suggestions on future tutorials, characters you would like covered or anything of that sort, feel free to leave them in the form of a comment below.
Reader Comments (7)
I'd like to see a Yoshimitsu and Astaroth tutorial for SC V. Also thanks for the streams and entertainment. It's a good laugh after a long days work.
There's a lack of video tutorials for characters in SCV so I'd like to see that.
Alright, I got a couple suggestions (Mostly for tekken) :
1. Q & A segments- everyone always has questions about something. You did this near the end of your podcasts and I would like this to continue. I would make a thread on TZ or on your site for people to submit questions on whatever you feel is relevant.
2. Tournament results discussions- I rarely see this for tekken surprisingly lol. This is the chance for people who arent up to date in to find out who is dominant at the time, who is up and coming, what characters do you feel are under utilized (which you will see alot), and things of that nature.
3. Discussions from top players- I see this alot on the LI Joe Show. Unfortunately you rarely here from tekken players on what they're working on, opinions, etc. Whether you schedule time to talk with them over the phone, Skype, what ever you have. Again surprisingly there isnt that much information spread from top players (*cough* GM bailing on the lee VGF podcast...).
Thank you for this opportunity. There is a lot of hype towards tag 2 from new players after the recent failure of SFXT, THIS IS OUR CHANCE!
I would also like to know your opinion on SFXT Aris if you would.
I like Spriggs ideas, but all of those things don't really require video/streaming. Which is a great reason to start doing the ATP podcast again!
One tutorial type thing I'd like to see on stream is how to utilize SCV's practice mode. Its clear that there are lots of options and configurations and it can help a lot, but for myself and hopefully others its not so easy to figure out which settings are best for which types of practice, and all the specific things it can do.
Good ideas guys. I no longer do a podcast because its extremely hard to coordinate with people. Guests and co hosts are not always available. For this reason it began to feel more like a job than a hobby. This doesn't mean I'll never do another podcast. It just means I'm burned out for now.
I like all things Spriggs said.
1) Some way to get the SF / SFXT players over to tekken. I'm not sure how this would work but something the likes of when TT2 drops Tekken from a SF players perspective with questions. Either get someone who knows both games well (2d and 3d) and just sit and discuss the differences between the two or get a total tekken virgin who is a SF player and just stream you trying to learn him the game with him questioning throughout. Ask Mike Ross for instance (just cause of his popularity) to do something together and then you can go on CC to discuss it but keep a long unedited stream for yourself. You can do something similar for SCV. Get a guy to do something similar to your "coming into mortal kombat" video (people go nuts over his views) and you respond to it or something.
Go over trainingmodes and how to use them in TT2 / SCV.
2) Hype. There's not much of it in the Tekken community sadly anymore. What the fuck happened? Talk eastcoast / westcoast shit. Say Nin is retarded. Call up people on the phone and prehype moneymatches for upcoming EWGF streams. Remember MLG will probably bring in TT2 now so something like Spriggs said with a view on and expectancy before MLG events / tournaments would be very nice. I really recommend like Spriggs said watching LL Joe's streams if you haven't a bit cause he's a master at calling people up and being an ass.
Call some city nearbye and tell them that they all suck at tekken and challenge them to come over to prove otherwise. You have to put yourself on a limb and go out of your comfortzone a bit and don't limit yourself just to the people in SuperArcade. Call people out. Have a "most overrated Tekkenplayer" segment every time or something. You're just hunting for reactions and fuck the rest be blatant people already expect you to be so why not. I know these are not to great ideas but something along those lines which falls a bit into Spriggs category. Try to also update yourself on the european scene by the way even if it can be a bit of work. Do retarded challenges. Looser of a showdown between you and RIP has to eat ghost pepper on stream. A simple (?) thing like that would generate hella interest and hype.
Sometimes I just see a lot of potential I feel is really wasted. Example Noface after playing in the Worlds. I mean you have a guy who has just been playing for title of World Champion and you're the SC2 world champion. People would have LOVED to see you put him on stream and talk both your feelings about the game now and for instance his feelings on tiers / matchups prior to playing in Worlds or after and thoughts in general. How god damn retarded he felt experiencing this:
I know the guy (and many there) seem a bit socially awkward (sorry Noface!) but if you don't put them on the spot but instead say that you will put them on the stream a few days in advance to discuss they can mentally prepare themselves for it better. Ask
3) Since Tekken Gosu with commentary is gone now you might want to bring something like that back with a guest for your stream? A lot of people liked watching you guys together watch matches of top players and commentate and could be brought back for TT2.
Drunk rant / end will try to think of something else.
I just watched you get owned by that big butterfly for free at the end of one of the streams, hehe. "Fuuuuuuuuuck!"