TTT2 Rumor: Images of Kunimitsu, Ogre and Angel
Aris ON
Friday, May 18, 2012 at 12:57PM

New images have been floating around today showing artwork for Kunimitsu, Angel and Ogre. These images were hosted directly by Gamespot. Perhaps they are a early look into the console exclusive characters for TTT2. More info when It comes my way.
[Tip by Kane]
Reader Comments (21)
I really hope these guys aren't just pallet swaps and end up in the arcade version of the game too.
i dont see how any of these could possibly be pallet swap and holy hell; fanboys rejoice! your prayers to harada have been answered!
i just realized that if these characters don't come to the arcades, they wont be tourney legal, right?
Damn. Hypelevels are starting to get crazy for this game. I for one am glad they're not palletswaps can't wait to see how these play! Hope we get to see during the summer some gameplay and remember there are more to come.
As long as the characters are available on both consoles no one will be banned. Also, Harada is in Super Saiyan mode or some shit. He's going balls out, mang. It seems like he's trying to bury SFIV's worldwide numbers after all of this "SFIV revived the genre!" nonsense over the last few years.
Man I hope skinny ogre is back that would be so cool. Also aris I don't know if you know about this youtube account but its gipsys the eddy player from tekken crash. He has like a ton of 30+ minute tekken tag 2 matches out of korea.
Can't... stop... touching... dick... so... hard...
Kuni is sooooooooooooooooo hot here....
im calling it now. Angel will play like lili
jun transform into angel and gets standing twin pistons?
Kuni looks nice!
With TTT2U being internet capable, I don't see a problem with console and arcade character disparities...
Are you guys' memory damaged. Angel and devil both are palette swaps of each other. Skinny Ogre cannot be a palette swap he has true ogres moves, minus some moves and different dimensions and size descrepencies in their limbs/ juggles etc.
Kunimitsu is finally back! Yay! ^,^
Also Kunimitsu was pretty different from Yoshi in TTT. I am the most excited about her return.
Man if the customised characters in this game is as good as SCV then I'll be totally sold
Wow, this game is gonna be the bomb, Kuni is so sexy there. Definitely one of my nostalgic favorites in tekken.
I could not care any less, it's just going to end up a tourney ban fest.
I think namco might do more with her kunai because namco thinks like me. They will also give her down+1+2 vanishing move some mixup attack options like a stance because namco will see this post. Namco will also do some sort of Vega thing where Kuni's mask gets hit off her face...along with certain articles of clothing...located near the ...waste....hawhawhahaha! because namco likes to party.
Just for the people (like me) who missed it; there's no shot of Gon returning. I'm actually happy about that fact cause I hated the hitbox problems.!/Harada_TEKKEN/status/202292215723208706
By the way do people think that they will announce other characters than these at E3 or they will simply showcase these?
kunis pussy is almost touching the ground