TTT2u: Arcadia Tier List
Aris ON
Monday, April 30, 2012 at 11:16AM

In the latest issue of arcadia magazine, top Japanese players like Fukushi and Miya have put together a tier list for TTT2 Unlimited. Just as I suspected, Feng is among the most improved characters as of right now. You can find the list below. I'm glad the tier lists are looking different from previous games. Fuck Lars.
S – Devil Jin, Kazuya, Heihachi
A – Nina, Feng, Steve, Bob
B – Lars, Leo, Jinpachi, Armor King, Jack6, Bryan, Hwoarang, Dragunov, Lee
C – Marduk, Jaycee, Bruce, Lei, Ganryu
D – “the rest”
uncertain – Ling, Miguel, Paul
[Via LUYG]
Reader Comments (18)
What's uncertain about Xioayu, Miguel, and PAUL?
The uncerntain thing is that whether Xiaoyu, Miguel, and Paul are bad, or that they are REALLY bad. jk.
nah... paul and miguel have definitely gone up in ranks while ling stayed the same. mig's new tackle gets him up close where he's most effective and the tag combos/assults makes up for paul's shortcomings. as for ling, despite being greatly buffed, tags and tag crashes kills her oki game, which she relies on for most of her damage.
I can't see Jaycee being C tier, she's way too good, I would at least see her A/B but not C or lower, nah hell no lol
Good to see Feng up there. But bad to see that Steve and Bob still are gay...
The Mishimas better stay up there once this gets ported over to PS3 / 360 :(
For those that want to know the remaining characters in the "D" list are...
D - Alisa, Anna, Asuka, Baek, Christie, Eddy, Jin, Jun, King, Kuma, Lili, Law, Miguel, Mokujin, Ogre, Panda, Raven, Roger Jr, Wang, Yoshimitsu, Zafina
NOTE: I did not place Ling, Miguel, Paul in the list.
Good the Mishimas are the top again, where they fucking belong. (yes, I said it) I am a it worried though cause Kazuya was top in 6.0 until they re-balanced it....
it's not like any n00b is going to pick up a mishima and roll face they require some of the highest execution to be good with. One big problem I had with BR was alot of what I consider easymode characters where top and yes, fuck lars, and fuck bob too....
LMFAO that was funny
Would just like to put emphasis on that this tier list is based on japanese players and that's important (earlier tier lists were also done by japanese players but from tekkenbbs). Historically; the japanese and korean tier lists can differ pretty much, specially early in the games lifespan.
Nice, fuck Law. Gets what he deserved. Jinpachi B Tier, yes! Jinpachi and Paul both seem to be very solid, guess thats my team then :3
@Lars Alexandersson
I totally agree with you, this is a Japanese tier list the first i think, the Koreans might have a different view according to the gameplay, but its still unreliable. We will have to wait till its ported to home consoles.
Fuckin Japan is stupid as fuck. D-Tier? So you're telling me that half the cast is equivalent to being Sean in 3rd Strike? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard ever especially in any Tekken game since 4. You really expect me to believe that half the cast is unusable at high level play? Cause I dunno if Japan realizes that D-tier means unusable basically. Oh wait, it's Japan, the same country that thought Jack sucked in BR, Lei Wulong was top tier in DR, and Julia Chang was the best character in Tekken 5.0.
Just for shits and giggles I looked up the initial Arcadia BR tier list and you'll get a good laugh out of this one I've uppercased the hilariously bad ones. Even the groupings are so off they are just dumb. Who the hell puts Asuka in the same tier as Bryan, Bruce, and Roger Jr?
S - steve
A - lars, lili, lee, law
B - ASUKA, ak, eddy, GANRYU, LING, julia,JIN, dj, HWO, feng, bryan, bruce, hei, baek, MARDUK, roger
C - anna, ALISA, kaz, king, bears, christie, JACK, drag, NINA, paul, BOB, lei, leo, wang
D - zaf, MIGUEL, yoshi, raven
FINALLY THEY NERF LARS! hes too fucking scrub to remain class S.
at least mishimas have difficult execution.
Lars is the gayest character out there, stupid design stupid moves. they probably made him top tier in t6 so noobs will be interested in playing him
and your mama didn't think i'm gay last night.
Pfffft. I'll play a "shitty" team and like it. Thank you sir! May I have another?!