Harada Hints at Clone Characters Similar to Old Tekken Games
Aris ON
Friday, April 20, 2012 at 3:48PM

In this video interview by Inside Gaming, Katsuhiro Harada hints about the inclusion of clone characters similar to how Anna was a clone of Nina in old Tekken games. He suggests that perhaps Lili players may want a clone of Lili. Shortly after that, Michael Murray cuts him off. Check out the interview below.
[Via EventHubs]
Reader Comments (20)
devil miharu
Who knows.
Tiger jackson? LETS GO
insomnotek has it right. No one seems more fitting for a Lili clone.
about the "Lili Clone" thing
It's probably was just an example, cause if he would use Julia / Yoshimitsu / Jack / Marshal Law / or any other character that has a returning character with a similar fighting style as an example he'd be giving away who's gonna be added in.
Harada never really said he's gonna add full-on clones.
He's saying that they will be similar to other characters, like how nina/anna fight similar and how we now have Jun/Asuka.
Dr. B better be in this
forest law would be the perfect clone for law.
Yoshimitsu's TTT theme!
It is a wonder why we do not have 75 characters. Make it happen, Harada!
I'm guessing the clone hint is with combot, like it will be playable in the game and during the selection screen, there will be an option for him to whom he will copy all through out (so you can choose lili and combot with a lili copied move).
Me want a Lili-clone!!! Make it happen please!!!!!
On second thought. The team would still miss mid pokes and great lows and such.. and man, would that team be linear.. ok, no thanks!
I don't see any harm in this, as long as they don't take away slots for actual characters, but what would be the point of having the same moveset twice? If you don't like how your character looks, just change him with costume customization.
c'mon people he is just using Lili as an example, It makes much more sense that hes talking about characters like Michelle, Alex, P.Jack.
Dont bust that nut yet Lili players.
Also don't forget that violet is pretty much already confirmed for the game through screenshots.
lol iam gonna make me a fembot with asuka moveset than can do a13 frame whiff punish ^^
Oh hell no!
Lets see damn near half of the cast of tekken started out as clones lol.
Bryan was a clone of bryan
Lee was a clone of law
wang was a clone of mischelle
anna was a clone of anna
Kuma was a clone of jack
Kunimitsu was a clone of Yoshimitsu
Angel/Devil were basically Kazuya with lazers lol.
Armor king was a clone of king (Slightly more unique though than the other clones)
Alex and Roger were exact clones of each other.
Miharu was a clone of ling
Devil jin was a clone of tekken 3 jin mixed with Devil.
Lol tekken 3 jin was a mix of kazuya and jun
Asuka was a clone of jun
Julia was a clone of mischelle
Christie was a clone of eddy.
Very few people were totally unique these included. Lei, Baek, Hwoarang, Paul, Bruce, Ganny, Lars, Alisa, Miguel, Bob.
Just a correction. Bruce and Bryan were a lot the same in the old Tekken. THey share moves till now like ff2, ff3, 143 and more. XD
Miharu wasn't a clone she was an alt costume, a world of difference, she occupied a same select slot as Xiaoyu.
A clone is a character like anna who is almost 90% the same but occupies a different slot (or a blantant 100% copy with different skin that occupies a different slot), or in and extreme case kunimitsu which was a stripped down joshi in T2, or mild case with king-> armor king, alex/roger.
Ganruy clone was based of jack/kuma model with a few moves changed.
Bruce/ Bryan are same in corelation as Baek/Hwoarang, Jin/Kazuya
Heihachi (T1) is a mashup of Paul and Kazuya + OVRPWR
Lee (T2) is a mashup of Paul and Law (that is why combot mode is so ironic).
Julia is a new skin version of Michele, in ttt2 they are (bar 2 or 3 moves) pretty much clones.
I would not like to see the same shit happening all over again just so that the character counter could reach a certain number and I very much dislike that in TTT there are already two clones Kuma/Panda Eddy/Chistie (4 slots instead of 2), because why can somebody play with eddyx2 and i can't play with two kazuyas. And what it is worse chreddy and kuma/panda have an EXACTLY the same move lists but occupy two spaces. I WOULD NOT LIKE TO SEE THAT IN MY CONSOLE TTT2!
And why, because some people have a trouble learning two characters? I mean i would probably bitch and moan if there where a Virtua Fighter because there everything is so machup specific, and learing one character really takes allot of time and not just beacuse of the movelist, tekken isn't that machup specific the engine simply isn't designed in that way.
This isn't street fighter i don't want ken to my ryu.... (in the clone sense, not the other).
I mean i would probably bitch and moan if there where a Virtua Fighter TAG. because there everything is so machup specific, and learing one character really takes allot of time and not just beacuse of the movelist, tekken isn't that machup specific the engine simply isn't designed in that way.