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Trailer for the New Documentary 100 Yen

From someone who has experienced Japanese arcades first hand, this documentary looks very interesting to me. Check out the trailer below and visit the 100 YEN web site for more details. 

[Via Eventhubs]

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Reader Comments (5)

Too good!!

Why wasn't I born in Japan??

I wanna live there...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 2:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterDrBhup

Brian Ashcraft (Kotaku guy, most well-known tabloid of game-related news media) is full of shit, as usual. Space Invaders music?? Doop...... bwoop...... doop..... bwoop. That's not music, dude. But if he's contributing to the film, maybe there will be some light shed of the decline of arcades in the region. In his book, Arcade Mania, Ashcraft mentioned the noticeable decline of arcades beginning with the release of the Playstation 2 (and maybe the Dreamcast) hardware that could compete with the current arcade board hardware.

I wonder if the documentary will cover the recent arcade closures, the replacement of some games with redemption machines, and the effect of the introduction of online games have had on arcade patrons.

The trailer seems to focus on the positive aspects and nostalgia, and not the current state of .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 3:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterMiga-Oh

Hi guys!! Hi Aris!! Im living in Japan and i really love arcades games :) Ofd course its diferent playng games on arcade centers!! Its an amazing experince of course. I hope that one day ARISU sam come here and stay a couple of days in my house, it will be fun, so i can show him a lot of cool places to play these games. If ARISU Sam comes to Japan please contact me because i love Tekken and GAMU CENTARS!!! VIVA GAMU CENTERS!!! A legendary place to fun and make some goods friends!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 8:28 AM | Unregistered Commenterjapinha_cross

Hi guys!! Hi Aris!! Im living in Japan and i really love arcades games :) Ofd course its diferent playng games on arcade centers!! Its an amazing experince of course. I hope that one day ARISU sam come here and stay a couple of days in my house, it will be fun, so i can show him a lot of cool places to play these games. If ARISU Sam comes to Japan please contact me because i love Tekken and GAMU CENTARS!!! VIVA GAMU CENTERS!!! A legendary place to fun and make some goods friends!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 8:32 AM | Unregistered Commenterjapinha_cross

Arcades were fun.

Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 3:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterForest

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