SC5 to Receive Balance Patch on March 21st
Aris ON
Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 9:30AM

According to and some other sources, Soul Calibur 5 will receive a balance patch on the 21st of March. This patch will apparently also include...
"(1).「 Creation "add to the in-game shop you can buy at a later date paid downloadable content will be delivered to the"Edit menu"mode
(2).「 Ranked Match "(ranked match) for better matching"
I hope they know they they're doing.
[Thanks to Malice for the tip]
Reader Comments (3)
You hope they know they they're doing?
I'm betting 10 bucks Voldo's getting nerfed.
Voldo needs a buff, he's ridiculously weak. Just his BB comes to mind, its i18...