TTT2: 5 Part Armor King Tutorial
Aris ON
Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 11:08AM

Check out my 5 part Armor King tutorial below. If you have any suggestions for next time, don't hesitate to leave a comment. You can watch these tutorials live by following the link below. Thanks for the support.
Reader Comments (11)
Hahahaha, hilarious picture!
Your tutorials are ridiculously helpful. I hope you make more of them!
I adore these tutorials.. It's the kind of info that you get by dissecting someone.. But if the person is generous enough to let us wander in his Knowledge base, then It cannot get any better..
I really hope you go through Wang Jinrei in the very near future..
Thank you.
Any plans on doing a Nina Tutorial next time? Would be much appreciated if you did one, or do you plan on only doing your mains for the moment? btw awesome job for the tutorial on Armor king and Feng! i personaly don't play them but i did enjoy watching them xD.
good job aris, dragunov next : )
He mains drag fang and armor king for all i know,i dont think he can take requests...
Yo Aris, try CD2, uf3, df3, df1, f1+2 b! TA (feng) f3,4, AK iSW. it works, just delay your Feng TA
These tutorials of yours are godlike!
Please do Dragunov next. Or Bob. Or Miguel.
Very awesome!!!
Waiting for Dragunov tutorial in 2013.
This is awesome!
aris i missed you streaming already pls stream more.