TTT2: Deep Theater and His Crotch Cam
Aris ON
Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 5:18PM

The KYSG legend Deep Theater has uploaded a combo compilation with some crazy ass TTT2 combos. This guys is too good.
Reader Comments (13)
initially.. i wasn't sure what you meant by crotch cam... now I know
Is it too much to ask to have someone else hold the camera? Nice dick cam combo vid.
you're not allowed to film in japanese arcades
get ready for the days of yo-yo combos "adapt or die"
That Nina and Leo combo on the boat was ridiculous. So much damage.
Good combos.
These combos are getting a tad ridiculous. I feel that Namco needs to stick some type of meter related combo-breaker in the game, regardless of what the naysayers think.
"Hey, I got launched... round over."
I like to be able to do any move any time, .it makes it more of a chess match and not a ultra fast game of checkers.
What's the deal with that Raven combo? SDW 3+4 into another SDW 3+4?
Nina must have a beautiful amount of reward points on her AMEX card because she does a lot of traveling.
Wall carries for days!
Nice combos for real!
In case you haven't noticed, YOU'RE the naysayer. It's people like you who are on the outside with their arms crossed, groaning & bitching every time an accomplished combo-ARTIST manages to break an EARLY build of a NEW game. I don't know if you're like the other whiners who simply hate combos PERIOD, but I gotta say none of this concerned me terribly. Anything overtly broken will be patched out, I assure you. Have a little more faith in these developers then "I got launched: ROUND OVER." Hell, try & be more observant while you're at it; notice that none of these combos exceeded the 50-75% dmg range? That's pretty standard for Tekken so I REALLY don't see what your problem is >_>
Of course with the exception of the last one which made use of an unblockable & several environmental combo-extenders ... Like I said, faith in the developers; they always seem to notice, take anything TOO crazy & reign it back a little. This footage should excite you, not worry you.
Who cares when this won't come to arcades in East Coast? I'll wait for the console release of TTT2..