Soul Calibur 5 TGS Trailer
Aris ON
Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:50AM

I don't know about you guys but Viola looks fucking cheap. She seems like a Blaz Blue character to me. I hope they know what they are doing. Check out the vid below and thanks to Malice for the tip.
Reader Comments (13)
That patroklos guy sounds like Nero from Devil May Cry 4.
Viola looks like a combination of Amakusa from Samurai Shodown and Choi from KOF. The potential for cheap long-range and sneaky attacks is certainly there. The range of the sphere movement seems long, and that sphere attack that comes back from behind the opponent might be avoided with a sidestep (hopefully). Her play might be based along the lines of trapping opponents with the floating ball and holding opponents off with the claws until the ball gets close enough to hit or activate or explode or something.
Hard to make a determination with only 11 seconds of gameplay footage, isn't it?
Blaze Blue character? That's what Alisa and Lars are.
Yeah Viola's looks a lot like Amasuka from Samurai Showdown/Sprits series. Most probably inspired by that character so there must be some SS fans in the development team
seems like a cool char
just dont imbalance her like Hilde or SC series can kiss its ass goodbye
I haven't loved any new characters in SC5 so far, they are all have got stupid design.
I miss the impact characters design which was in SC2, SC3. they were all great in the first time
Soul Calibur was always my pick of the litter but with a new title I hope comes innovation. If not, I'm prepared to leave it on the shelf.
Note for Aris, I have an interesting idea for you. Just something I am interested in and wanted to know if you wanted to set up on your website
Next year we have a sh!tload of fighting games coming out on various platforms, we all know this. I would be interested to see what games most people will BUY and put TIME into? could be an interesting talking point at this junction.
Think about it:
SF4 AE 2012, VF5FS, KOF13, SF X T, TTT2, SC5, that new blazblue game (I dont know what its called) a new Marvel version (I think) and some other anime fighters. So much to pick from, where do we start? I know I am going to be play SF X T and TTT2 and thats all. I would like to play others just dont have the time these days.
Be interesting to know if this is something you would be willing to set up ???
@Punkmafia There's a lot of gaps between the release of those games though. It might be possible to go through them 1 by 1 as they come out and just stick with the 2 you like best in the end. KOFXIII comes out next month, SF X TK and SCV next spring, VF5FS in the summer and TTT2 and DOA5 probably at the end of the year. SF4, MVC3 and BB can all be tried out now to get an idea of those games. Usually it takes at least a couple of months or so to get a decent understanding of a different fighter though.
Personally if I'm only playing 2 games seriously I want to know that there the best 2 out there. If everybody could manage to do that the real quality would rise to the top instead of the strongest brand. Developers would realize gameplay matters more than anything else.
Admittedly fighters are really time comnsuming so that's why I'm really in favour of great learning tools (practice mode, challenge, tutorial, AI etc) to fast track people into them.
Hey Neels, Another UK poster!
I think it takes ages to learn a fighter properly.... I mean you can play just for fun for sure but you may not learn a lot if you are constantly switching fighting games.... Which concerns me! Not everyones our boy Ryan Hart!
I got chills at the end of the trailer when the old Soul Calibur 2 music was playing. Then, I got sad because I realized that it is not a re-release of Soul Calibur 2.
I wish people would stop saying how great Soul Calibur 2 is and actually come out of the house to play it.
@Punkmafia Yeah Ryan's ability to adapt and play at the highest level in so many wildly different fighters sets him apart.
If your in London give KOFXIII a go as I know already it's very good and it's gonna get a lot of support from the main tournament organizsers here. TTT2 may be over year away and SFXTekken has me very suspicious
Maybe it'll just be a fan service game for casuals and not serious tournament material.
I am sure you can turn that gems mode sh!t off right???