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Will America Get a TTT2 Location Test or Even a Full Arcade Release?

Harada has just tweeted...

"We are considering now. Location Test = at October in LA, TX, NY (Probably). RT  will there be a U.S. arcade release for TTT2?"


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Reader Comments (50)

I just hope either Round 1 or Super Arcade gets it since its the only closes arcade place in my area.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 2:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterVince Lionheart

I want them to bring a cabinet over to CHQ in Burnaby, BC

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 3:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterJNCH

For the US community, this is great news. But I feel Harada and his team are taking a risk, trying to please everyone, if they are really trying to release TTT2 in the US. Because of server costs, the risk of not having enough players, declining arcades and other stuff Harada has mentioned before as reasons why it wouldn't be possible, the profit they need to gain might not be enough. (The cabinets are expensive and require an Internet-connection too.)

But it seems they are considering an arcade release in the US, which is already impressive. If TTT2 will be released in US, US players should support Harada by playing it. Namco is taking a risk, they might lose money, but therefore, it shows their efforts to try to please everyone, which I applaud.

I guess we, in Europe, won't get anything other than Tekken Hybrid. But imo, that's okay, I can't find any arcade in my country. Only know about those in London, due to Tekken Force :p

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 4:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterDeTrun

i don't think the server shit is really a necessity, and that people won't care if the shit gets uploaded to after every single match, it's just a way for them to make money off of arcade owners right? i mean the owners have to keep buying credits, right?

why not have it to where it only has to connect to the server a couple of times a day? that way it could just connect with the servers in japan(or wherever) which will take longer, but it wouldn't really matter if it doesn't happen that often. if it runs out of credits it just runs in demo mode until the owner buys more credits(it would be the owners fault for not maintaining what should be one of their most popular titles.

or just release a cheaper cabinet (like the ones they've been taking around) that doesn't connect to at all

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 5:58 AM | Unregistered Commenterjuice

I've always thought it was strange that they had the opinion that having the server in japan would be too far away. I understand the whole troubleshooting aspect would be combersome but as far as I know it's basically just hitting the server and grabbing user data isn't it? with a good connection that should barely take any time at all.

Regardless, I like how open with information namco has been. They seem to be willing to stick their neck out a little which I respect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 6:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterThreeli

I also though about sending data to server few times a day, not in real time or after every fight.
But seriously, you expect developers not to think about that? I highly respect Namco and Harada, but seems like connection and servers is just excuse not to release game in US, while real problem is just low arcade popularity.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 7:44 AM | Unregistered CommenterWatafag

Honestly who's going to buy it? Did some research about the prices for TTT2 in Japan costs:

Delux Cab is 4,180,000 yen (~$50,000)
Delux Kit is 2,380,000 yen (~$30,000)
PCB: 698,000 yen (~$7,000)

And then let's not forget you must have the game board charged via prepaid cards, ie, you buy charge cards which add "points" to your game board. Each time a player using the machine, 5 points are deducted. If your game board has zero points, the game stops working

So I mean, if the machine is ever in free play mode like for tournaments and such, the Arcade operator is just going to lose money in the long run. It has crazy start up costs and equally expensive maintenance costs.

It's cool and all for Namco to try to get the game in North America but they HAVE to be more reasonable about the price.

Also since it's already going to be releasing on September in Japan I guess the version that's coming this October is going to be the final version.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 7:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterAAK

Here's my idea just release the game in asia countrys in the arcade and release the game on console in the u.s. that way they make the same money that they always do from asia countrys and they also make money in the us I feel that most of the us wont get to play tag 2 regardless because there are no arcades outside of the places harada posted ( I mean arcades that they would consider can make enough profit for their machines. I think that tekken 6 sales were so low because they are to focused on arcade release when the u.s. doesn't have a monster arcade scene. Feel free to bash my idea. :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 10:20 AM | Unregistered Commenterxyz

@Juice: based on the info gathered at location tests in Indonesia, Thailand, and several other countries.

A bana passport... or the new IC Card.... doesn't seem to contain all the data for win loss, customizations, items, etc.
So far it looks, a Bana Pass can have many or maybe even all characters' data... It's still unknown.

Hence, maybe the internet connection is required to access those data from the server when required(at start of a match, end of a match, to load replays for live monitor, etc).

@AAK: Arcade owners that already own T6 cabinets, would prolly need the PCB's only...
T6 cabinets can be used for TTT2, from what I've seen at the location test here.

Another thing they need, are probably live monitors..

And for the live monitor setup..
Well, IIRC... at the TTT2 loc. test I had a common 30-40 something inch LCD to display the live feed from the Tekken.NET.

It was Panasonic or whatever.. can't remember the brand.
Live matches, replays, and rankings were displayed on the live monitor.

So maybe ppl don't need to buy special monitors, for...well to have live monitors set up.

Hope you guys can have at least location tests in the states.
Coz TTT2 is looking very promising.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 10:55 AM | Unregistered CommenterL_Z_N

New York? Upstate is in there! Harada we will buy a PCB if you do.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterZero

Servers are necessary. For example: everytime you put the Banapass on the cabinet, it connects to the server, taking your character info/rank/wins/losses/percentages/etc. So connecting to the server happens very often. without servers, banapasses are obsolete.

Even though TTT2 might work in T6 cabinets or might work offline (like the ComicCon-cabinets, or the Swedish cabinets), in the final version an internet connection is required. and most of your data will be on the servers and your Banapass.

Harada has also stated that they would be able to update TTT2 through the internet connection, patching it. So even if you'd get an offline version, it would be an outdated version after a while.

2) cheaper cabinets aren't possible. Then Asian countries would obviously also want the cheaper version, leaving the more expensive/internet connection-cabinets useless. Besides, the internet connection is needed to activate and maintain the cabinet + to make the ranking system work + the patching feature + live monitor being useless. See also my next point:

3) Quote from AAK:
"So I mean, if the machine is ever in free play mode like for tournaments and such, the Arcade operator is just going to lose money in the long run. It has crazy start up costs and equally expensive maintenance costs."

4) releasing the game on console in US/Europe only, was already shut down by Namco. First, it isn't possible to only release it in specific regions. If they'd release a console version, it will be released in Asia too.
Even if they did/didn't, Asian gamers would import it, which would result in declining arcades. I think this happened when a new version of SSF4 got released on console, but still had to be released in arcades.
Also, console version isn't finished yet. They are almost done with Arcade version, let alone console-version.

In the end, if they would release a console version (even though it's pretty much impossible), Namco would deliberately take down their own arcade sales.

This is why TTT2: Prologue exists: to give players, who don't have access to TTT2 cabinets, a way to learn the TTT2 engine and to be able to play it.

Most of the points created here, were already discussed and explained by Harada in previous interviews, actually.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 12:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterDeTrun

Man I hope so. but I doubt they will ship any cabinets to New York. All we got is Next Level in Brooklyn.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 1:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterIMFAMOUSMINDED

I think this sounds like good news. No way Harada would fuck with american players like that by tweeting this if he didn't have some special card up his sleeve! I think if Namco put their mind and effort to it, of course they will manage to find a solution. Probably all the questions and bitching from american players wanting a TTT2 cabinet finally payed off. I think the TTT2 exibhition at EVO, E3 and Comic-Con made Harada realize that there are fairly good players in the USA and that TTT2 is hyped up, so he is giving the american market another chance!!

I am optimistic for americans! Lucky basterds! Seems like you'll be getting TTT2 machines after all. I'm so jealous right now!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 2:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterDrBhup

Holy shit.... Please God let there be location tests in Texas =)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 2:21 PM | Unregistered Commenterdarthmarth

Do it! And make it so I can play from my house! I'll buy a board!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 2:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterKoDee

Heh, this is great news, but you lazy Americans better not take this for granted. GO OUT AND PLAY THE GAME!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 3:29 PM | Unregistered Commenteryiggs

At this point, hoping to ever play arcade ttt2 is unrealistic. Namco should use their money to improve the console version.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterForest

Really... it's a play test it's not even a full game this shit is getting ridiculous all I gotta say is this shit better be droping fall 2012 for consoles and not another long wait cause its so obvious that everyone including myself is excited about the game but this shit needs too get to console already cause another round of T6 at evo is just stupid as fuck.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterDieselson

Forest wtf are you talking about? Arcade is first priority. console I can tell you dont support arcades at all buddy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 4:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterIMFAMOUSMINDED

I agree with Forest. Although doing so would kill the arcade community, let's face it, it's already dead. The new age of fighting game is on consoles in the U.S. The reason why the tekken community is so dead because console T6 was ass. New players who wanted to learn the game had to deal with loading times, and a laggy ass piece of shit online play, unless they had a good arcade in the area which only about 2 or three states do. And not everybody who likes tekken is willing to drive out so far just to play. If namco releases a good console tekken like Capcom did with street fighter 4, and give constant support to the game, voila, Tekken is fucking gold again. There are a lot of people who like tekken, it's not that tekken series itself is losing popularity, it's the competitive scene. How are you supposed to remain competitive if you have to deal with disconnections and 300ms lag every time you play? you can't. That's why Namco Bandai has to step up their shit and deliver a good console game.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 6:18 PM | Unregistered Commentermike

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