Soul Calibur 5: Gameplay Trailer
Aris ON
Friday, June 3, 2011 at 9:10AM

They have somehow managed to get me interested in a game I swore I wouldn't give the benefit of the doubt to. Supers, new GI system, I sure hope they get this one right. I'll know more soon so keep your eyes on the site.
Just around the corner.
Reader Comments (33)
Dude this really has me interested in this engine again. It looks promising I might end up picking SC back up again if it holds up to this trailer. Love the new GI combos
the reason why i liked Namco fighters over the years was because of the _lack_ of supers, but can't say i hate this one yet. plus Sophitia's kids put the continuity to interesting use. thx Aris!
Meh. Better than the Hwoarang trailer.
I'm glad that alot of people love the trailer. I can't wait to see what E3 has in store.
yoda. \o/
cant wait for E3, we are going to hear about all the new games
what does GI mean here? you said a new GI system
With the amount of cash I have nowadays (versus back when SCIV came out), I HAVE to buy this game now, although I got to admit, I had to see Mitsurugi first, before I was convinced.
Hope this game does well.
GI = Guard impact. The trailer wasnt great but a new "subgenre" in the FGC would be nice.
Just to remind people:
and Daishi's tweet:!/Daishi_CALIBUR/status/76218624708313088
Based on that I assume it's reworked critcial edge. I'd be surprised if they actually brought back the weapon gauge though.
GI looks like super armor. Can we expect ultras, x factors and x rays?
I really want to know whats around that corner. Seems like a lot of cool shit hangs out there.
gonna sound like a broken record here, but this series needs a complete rethink, this looks kinda yawn to me. They might as well be hitting each other with giant popcicles.
can't wait for Tekken Tag 2 of course but I am excited to see more of SC5. Hopefully it will return to it's roots.
Im not getting my hopes up. I was fooled twice already, never again. I'm sticking to my guns, no go for Soul Callbur 5
eeeh, even tho my roots were in SC, this trailer doesn't really look too promising.
Looks like SC4+ and like people have said, I got fooled twice with SC3 and SC4. The game engine needs a complete rehaul b/c at its current direction it looks like a huge YAWN. It's gone from cool/technical SC2 to gimmicky anime SC4. They really need to give the game a technical boost akin to SC2. The SC4 engine just felt too static and less room for creativity compared to SC2 engine. SC3 was just crap so don't even need to expound on that.
Not gonna give it a chance until the verdict is out from the community. Tekken is where it's at for now.
I don't know if this is just chance but it seems like the opinions of the commenters on this site are more logical than I would expect from the typical FG site/forum.
I agree Aris! ;)
I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts on this series as a whole and what you feel would help revive SC, Aris. I really hated abandoning this series like I did, but I was disappointed with the direction that 3 and 4 went. I do hope that Namco is able to see our concerns regarding, well everything really. I think we can all agree that we truly hope for this chapter of the series to be great and not a repeat of what happened with 3 and 4. I enjoyed playing SC2 in the arcades, so many good times. It just makes you wonder who made the decisions they did and why...
...cuz we dont have ass moderators (let's keep it that way)
after re-watching the trailer a couple more times, the more I am convinced the graphical direction is not a good one at all. they really are transitioning further into anime gimmicky look rather than the SC2 technical and hard-hitting look. In SC2 the weapons added personality + coolness to each char and the weapons felt like they hit hard. whereas now u just have a char with a weapon.
and they need more cancels. i dunno whyTF they took out SC-cancels. those were flashy & technical & unique & had lots of potential for growth. instead of playing more with the 2G concept, they dumbed down the sidestep game and made the movement too simple and uninspiring. Tekken u got wavedashes, KBD, and all that up the wahoo. Wat u have in SC? boring ass movement techniques.
shit they should combine some technicality of Tekken, go further with the cool/suave art direction of SC2 and its technical potential, and THEN add new game engine features like the new GI system they have done now. Cuz at the current rate, yea they did make the game engine have new features but if the art direction is YAWN and the coolness/appealing factor is some bubbly, sunny anime crap, this game is gonna alienate a lot of serious, hardcore fg gamers.